TesseractPi / CircleClicker

A bot to cheese Neal.fun's Perfect Circle game
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A bot to cheese Neal.fun's Perfect Circle game (https://neal.fun/perfect-circle)

By Sam Rohrbach

This project is also on my website, samrohrbach.space.

In its default state, this is built for a 1366x768 screen in fullscreen. To change the location of the center of the circle, edit the center_y variable near the top of the script.

Python script

This script has the following dependencies (install with pip):

C++ script

This #includes and I don't know how to click things or detect keys on Linux, so it would be nice if someone who knows how to do that on Linux could submit a pull request.

Bash script

This is a port of CircleClicker written in Bash. It uses xdotool to move the mouse. To run this, you need xdotool installed.