Test-Account666 / PlugManX

Plugin manager for Bukkit servers.
MIT License
103 stars 43 forks source link

This is a PlugMan *Fork*

Original PlugMan: https://github.com/r-clancy/PlugMan


PlugMan is a simple, easy to use plugin that lets server admins manage plugins from either in-game or console without the need to restart the server.



Command Description
/plugman help Show help information.
/plugman list [-v] List plugins in alphabetical order. Use "-v" to include versions.
/plugman info [plugin] Displays information about a plugin.
/plugman dump Dump plugin names and version to a file.
/plugman usage [plugin] List commands that a plugin has registered.
/plugman lookup [command] Find the plugin a command is registered to.
/plugman enable [plugin|all] Enable a plugin.
/plugman disable [plugin|all] Disable a plugin.
/plugman restart [plugin|all] Restart (disable/enable) a plugin.
/plugman load [plugin] Load a plugin.
/plugman reload [plugin|all] Reload (unload/load) a plugin.
/plugman unload [plugin] Unload a plugin.
/plugman check [plugin|all] [-f] Check if a plugin is up-to-date.


Permission Node Default Description
plugman.admin OP Allows use of all PlugMan commands.
plugman.update OP Allows user to see update messages.
plugman.help OP Allow use of the help command.
plugman.list OP Allow use of the list command.
plugman.info OP Allow use of the info command.
plugman.dump OP Allow use of the dump command.
plugman.usage OP Allow use of the usage command.
plugman.lookup OP Allow use of the lookup command.
plugman.enable OP Allow use of the enable command.
plugman.enable.all OP Allow use of the enable all command.
plugman.disable OP Allow use of the disable command.
plugman.disable.all OP Allow use of the disable all command.
plugman.restart OP Allow use of the restart command.
plugman.restart.all OP Allow use of the restart all command.
plugman.load OP Allow use of the load command.
plugman.reload OP Allow use of the reload command.
plugman.reload.all OP Allow use of the reload all command.
plugman.unload OP Allow use of the unload command.
plugman.check OP Allow use of the check command.
plugman.check.all OP Allow use of the check command.


File URL
config.yml https://github.com/TheBlackEntity/PlugMan/blob/master/src/main/resources/config.yml


How to include PlugMan with Maven:

        <!-- PlugMan -->


How to include PlugMan with Gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = 'PlugMan'
        url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheBlackEntity/PlugMan/repository/'
dependencies {
    compileOnly 'com.rylinaux:PlugMan:2.3.3'