TestStack / TestStack.BDDfy

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'Examples' and 'RunStepWithArgs' don't play together well #239

Open TAGC opened 7 years ago

TAGC commented 7 years ago

I'm starting a new project and I'm trying to set up a way to develop it BDD-style. I've not used any BDD framework in C# before but your library seems really neat. I'm saying this just because it's very likely the issue I've encountered is to do with my inexperience with these tools rather than a bug with the tools themselves.

I originally considered doing this project in Python and used Behave to let me write a series of specification files in Cucumber. Behave lets you create 'Scenario Outlines' where you run a scenario using different example data, but it also lets you associate tabular data with individual steps. I've made use of both features in my Behave-style feature specs and I'm trying to port them to Specify/BDDfy.

Here's a scenario I made in Behave but I'm having trouble replicating in Specify:

Mofichan Is Greeted

    Given Mofichan is configured to use the following behaviours:
        | behaviour |
        | identity  |
        | greeting  |
    And Mofichan is running
    When I say "<greeting> Mofichan"
    Then Mofichan should greet me back

        | greeting |
        | hey      |
        | hi       |
        | hello    |

In Specify, I've tried to do the following in a specification context class without adding examples:

public void Setup()
    this.Container.Set<IMofichanBackend>(new MockBackend("mock"));

[RunStepWithArgs("identity", StepTextTemplate = AddBehaviourTemplate)]
[RunStepWithArgs("greeting", StepTextTemplate = AddBehaviourTemplate)]
public void Given_Mofichan_is_configured_with_the_following_behaviours(string behaviour)
    this.Container.Set<IMofichanBehaviour>(new MockBehaviour(behaviour), key: behaviour);

public void AndGiven_Mofichan_is_running()
    //var mofichan = this.Container.SystemUnderTest;
    throw new NotImplementedException();

public void When_I_say__greeting__mofichan(string greeting)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

public void Then_Mofichan_should_greet_me_back()
    throw new NotImplementedException();

This produces the following report:

Test without examples

This is pretty much what I want - to have the same 'Given' method run twice with different arguments and have that shown in the report.

If I now try to add examples:

public MofichanIsGreeted()
    Examples = new ExampleTable("greeting")
        { "Hello" },
        { "Hey"   },
        { "Hi"    },
        { "Yo"    },
        { "Sup"   },

Then I get the following report:

Test with examples

Not only is the report much less informative, but it also causes incorrect test behaviour; Given_Mofichan_is_configured_with_the_following_behaviours is only called once even if RunStepWithArgs is applied to it multiple times.

TAGC commented 7 years ago

I just realised I posted this on the BDDfy Github rather than Specify's haha. This might be actually be a more appropriate place for it, though.