TestStack / TestStack.BDDfy

BDDfy is the simplest BDD framework EVER!
MIT License
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BDDfy is the simplest BDD framework to use, customize and extend!

A few quick facts about BDDfy:


Join the chat at https://gitter.im/TestStack/TestStack.BDDfy To use BDDfy install TestStack.BDDfy nuget package: Install-Package TestStack.BDDfy

This adds BDDfy assembly and its dependencies to your test project. If this is the first time you are using BDDfy you may want to check out the samples on NuGet. Just run Install-Package TestStack.BDDfy.Samples and it will load two fully working samples to your project.

Now that you have installed BDDfy, write your first test (this test is borrowed from ATM sample that you can install using nuget package TestStack.BDDfy.Samples):

        AsA = "As an Account Holder",
        IWant = "I want to withdraw cash from an ATM",
        SoThat = "So that I can get money when the bank is closed")]
    public class AccountHasInsufficientFund
        private Card _card;
        private Atm _atm;

        // You can override step text using executable attributes
        [Given(StepText = "Given the account balance is $10")]
        void GivenAccountHasEnoughBalance()
            _card = new Card(true, 10);

        void AndGivenTheCardIsValid()

        void AndGivenTheMachineContainsEnoughMoney()
            _atm = new Atm(100);

        void WhenTheAccountHolderRequests20()
            _atm.RequestMoney(_card, 20);

        void ThenTheAtmShouldNotDispenseAnyMoney()
            Assert.AreEqual(0, _atm.DispenseValue);

        void AndTheAtmShouldSayThereAreInsufficientFunds()
            Assert.AreEqual(DisplayMessage.InsufficientFunds, _atm.Message);

        void AndTheCardShouldBeReturned()

        public void Execute()

And this gives you a report like:

Story: Account holder withdraws cash
    As an Account Holder
    I want to withdraw cash from an ATM
    So that I can get money when the bank is closed

Scenario: Account has insufficient fund
    Given the account balance is $10
        And the card is valid
    When the account holder requests $20
    Then the atm should not dispense any money
        And the atm should say there are insufficient funds
        And the card should be returned

This is just the console report. Have a look at your output folder and you should see a nice html report too.

If you want more control you can also use BDDfy's Fluent API. Here is another example done using the Fluent API:

    public void CardHasBeenDisabled()
        this.Given(s => s.GivenTheCardIsDisabled())
            .When(s => s.WhenTheAccountHolderRequests(20))
            .Then(s => s.CardIsRetained(true), "Then the ATM should retain the card")
                .And(s => s.AndTheAtmShouldSayTheCardHasBeenRetained())
            .BDDfy(htmlReportName: "ATM");

which gives you a report like:

Scenario: Card has been disabled
    Given the card is disabled
    When the account holder requests 20
    Then the ATM should retain the card
        And the atm should say the card has been retained

This is only the tip of iceberg. Absolutely everything you do with BDDfy is extensible and customizable. You might see full documentation of BDDfy on the TestStack documentation website. Oh and while you are there don't forget to checkout other cool projects from TestStack.



BDDfy is released under the MIT License. See the bundled license.txt file for details.