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configure title function with configurator #279

Open paulschup opened 4 years ago

matt-richardson commented 2 years ago

I came here looking to see if how to do something very similar to this.

Maintainers - is there anything outstanding on this?

My use case:

I have a (slack) bot that I want to verify the conversation path. When there are buttons, i have a nice fluent interface:

.Then(x => ItRespondsWith("It seems you want to flooble the whatsit. Is that right?")
     .WithButton("Yes, that's right")

Unfortunately, the method that the FluentScanner looks at is the WithButton method, so it comes out as with button Cancel.

I'd like it to come out something like It responds with It seems you want to flooble the whatsit. Is that right? With buttons 'Yes that's right' and 'Cancel'" (or something similar).

This PR appears to enable a path forward for this.

The FluentScanner also appears to be hardcoded, so it appears I cant override that to have my own attribute that specifies the a function to call to get the title (which would be the nicest approaach)