TesterTesterov / ACPXScriptTool

Dual languaged (rus+eng) tool for disassembling and assembling scripts .bin from the Excude's visual novel's engine ACPX.//Двуязычное (рус+англ) средство для разборки и сборки скриптов .bin движка визуальных новелл от Escude ACPX.
GNU General Public License v2.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

about Disassemble #1

Closed wjh191 closed 1 year ago

wjh191 commented 1 year ago


[Yamizome Revenger](https://vndb.org/v22739

["血色ノ悪ソウナ月が高ク昇ッテイル。"] ["俺様ハビルノ屋上カラソレヲ眺メツツ、ソイツが来ルノヲ待ッテイタ。"]

The Disassembled content contains non-Japanese text,for example“メツツ、ソイツ”,this may be a half-width Katakana

wjh191 commented 1 year ago

The correct content should be: 血色の悪そうな月が高く昇っている。 俺様はビルの屋上からそれを眺めつつ、そいつが来るのを待っていた。

wjh191 commented 1 year ago


wjh191 commented 1 year ago

When I assemble it(bin_encoding=cp932,txt__encoding=utf16,txt is japanese raw),and an error occurred:[tuple.index(x): x not in tuple]

TesterTesterov commented 1 year ago

@wjh191, hello. Well, the engine's scripts contain half-width katakana instead of hiragana. Still, it is Japanese text. Just the engine uses this method to make the scripts' sizes smaller, I guess. I can change the representation in the disassembled script, but, again, this is just the internal format and everyone who know enough Japanese can read it.

I'll look into the problem of encoding slightly later.

TesterTesterov commented 1 year ago

@wjh191, okay, fixed the representation. I shall add it in the new release after the second problem. For now, post here the script, with which you had a problem with assembling.

wjh191 commented 1 year ago

@TesterTesterov script.zip

TesterTesterov commented 1 year ago

@wjh191, no problem with using UTF-16 was discovered. Perhaps, after my last fix?.. Never mind, I'll just release it as is.

TesterTesterov commented 1 year ago

@wjh191, try 1.1 release. Do note, the bug with UTF-16 may occur if it is not a valid UTF-16-encoding file. So I recommend to use cp932.

wjh191 commented 1 year ago

yes, assembling is no problem, thank you, hero.