Testura / Testura.Mutation

Mutation testing tool for C# .NET
MIT License
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Are you looking for ways to improve the quality and test coverage of your unit tests? Then Testura and mutation testing may be something for you.

Testura is a mutation testing tool/visual studio extension for C# that verifies the quality of your unit tests by injecting different mutations in your production code and then checks whether your unit tests catch them. If your unit tests:

Example of mutation Example of a mutation

Why should I use Testura?



Visual studio extension

Mutation explorer


The first thing you need to do is to configure the extension at Extensions > Testura.Mutation > Config...

Create mutations

You can run mutations in three different ways:

Mutatate lines

It may take a while to create your mutations depending on number of files/lines.

When they are done you see how the mutation look by clicking the small blue button the the right or double click and hover over the statemen (if you have highlight on).

Run mutations

Click the play icon in the mutation explorer to run your mutations. The mutations will either:


Mutatate highlights


Please check the output window.

Console application

Console application

First you have to create a json run config, for example:

    "SolutionPath":  "path\\to\\your\\solution.sln",
    "TestProjects":  [
    "BuildConfiguration":  "Debug",
    "TestRunner":  "dotnet",
    "NumberOfTestRunInstances":  5

Then you run the exe from for example cmd by writing:

path\to\Tetura.Mutation.Console.exe local --configPath "path/To/Json/Config" --outputPath "path/to/output/directory"

It will then:

  1. Run a baseline (simply execute all your unit tests to make sure that everything is fine).
  2. Apply mutation operators to generate mutants.
  3. Go through each mutant and run all unit tests (we run all unit tests for each mutant).

After the unit test execution, you will get a couple of different result files (we plan to develop a filtering function in the future):

The result files contain your mutation score (number of killed mutants divided by the total number of mutants) as well as details about all survived mutants.

Possible config values


Path to your C# solution that we should mutate/run tests from.


A list of all test projects that we should run (we won't mutate test projects). For example:

    "TestProjects":  [


If we should mutate "Debug" or "Release" (it's important to build your project before trying to run Testura)


Testura offers three different flags for the test runner:

In most cases it's best to run "dotnet".


We run all unit tests for all mutants and this property tells us how many sessions we should run in parallel.


List of projects that we shouldn't mutate or run tests from. For example:

    "IgnoredProjects":  [


Filter is a way for you to decide which files or lines that Testura will mutate. You can both allow and deny resources, but it's important to know that when you add a filter, all files will be ignored by default and you have to allow them.

For example:

    "Filter":  {
                   "FilterItems":  [
                                           "Effect":  "Allow",
                                         "Resource":  "*/src/some/files.cs",
                                          "Lines":  [
                                         "Effect":  "Allow",
                                         "Resource":  "*SuperFile*",
                                           "Effect":  "Deny",
                                           "Resource":  "*mock*"
                           "Effect": "Deny",
                       "Resource": "*",
                       "CodeConstrain": "*Log.*"

In this example, Testura will:

We use filter a lot to run mutation operators on specific subsets for example new pull requests.


If you use dotnet as the test runner and Testura can't find dotnet.exe automatically it is possible to set it manually with this property.


A list of all the mutators that you want to run (look further below for tags and the default ones if you don't specifiy any mutators).

"Mutators": [ "Increment" ]


You can map test project(s) to mutation projects like this:

"ProjectMappings": [{
        "ProjectName": "Testura.Code",
        "TestProjectNames": ["Testura.Code.Tests"]

This means that if we create a mutation in the Testura.Code project we will only verify it by executing tests in Testura.Code.Tests.


Possible git values:

    "Git":  {
           "GenerateFilterFromDiffWithMaster": false

Mutation run logger

A list of specific run loggers. For example:

 "MutationRunLoggers": [

Current run loggers:

2019-05-16 14:50:29,251: Testura.Mutation.Core.Loggers.AzureMutationRunLogger: ##vso[task.setprogress value=67;]Mutation execution progress

Available mutation operators

Here is a short list of all currently available mutation operators:

Name Mutations Tag Default
Conditional boundary >= , >, <=, <, etc ConditionalBoundary true
Math +, -, *, etc Math true
Increment ++, -- Increment true
Negate conditional >, <, !=, ==, etc NegateCondtional true
Negate type i is bool, !(i is bool) NegateTypeCompability true
Return value return -1 instead of 0, return null instead of object, throw exception instead of returning null, etc ReturnValue true
Void Method Remove all calls to void methods MethodCall false


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.md file for details.


Web site

This work has been financially supported by the ITEA3 initiative TESTOMATProject through Vinnova - Sweden's innovation agency.