Tetreault-Pain-Imaging-Lab / ChronicPainDWI

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ChronicPainDWI aims to facilitate the reproduction of the Diffusion MRI processing and analysis we did in our lab, but with different datasets. It contains code to easily run the same pipelines we normally use and with the same options.

The dataset we originally used to develop this repository includes 27 chronic low back pain patients and 25 controls scanned at three timepoints (0, 2, and 4 months) between April 2021 and July 2022. For detailed dataset and acquisition information, refer to our dataset documentation.

Repository Usage


Forking the Repository for personal use

If you would like to use and customize this repository for your own purposes, we recommend forking it. Forking allows you to have your own version of this project that you can modify and maintain independently of the original codebase. Here’s how you can fork this repository:

Create a Fork: Simply click the “Fork” button at the top-right corner of this repository's GitHub page. This action will create a copy of this repository in your own GitHub account.

Clone Your Fork: After forking, clone the forked repository to your local machine to make your changes. You can do this by running:

git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY

You could also simply clone this repository on your Compute Canada account and start using it directly, which is fine if you want to customize it but you don't want multiple versions of this repository

Running on Compute Canada

To use this repository on Compute Canada, here's some helpful guidance:

Config file

To run the anlysis on a new dataset, you need to create your config file. In this file you will set all the variables that the pipelines need to run on a new dataset. Use the config_ex.sh file as a template. Here is all the variables you need to set in this file :

Variable Description
REPOS_DIR Path where the ChronicPainDWI repository is installed/cloned on your Compute Canada account.
TOOLS_PATH Directory containing tools like the sclilus lab container and nextflow tools. Recommended to place in /user/projects to prevent purging.
BIDS_DIR Path to the raw BIDS formatted dataset. Contains subject folders and essential files like participants.tsv, participants.json, and dataset_description.json.
OUTPUT_DIR Directory where results are stored, organized by the pipeline that generated them. (i.e. tractoflow outputs will be placed in $OUTPUT_DIR/tractoflow)
MAIL Email address for job notifications. Optional; remove #SBATCH --mail lines if not needed.
SLURM_OUT Path for storing SLURM job output logs.
tractoflow_ressources SLURM parameters for the run_tractoflow_cc.sh script, including job name, time, nodes, CPUs per task, memory, output log path, and email notifications.
rbx_ressources SLURM parameters for the run_rbx_cc.sh script, including job name, time, nodes, CPUs per task, memory, output log path, and email notifications.
tractometry_ressources SLURM parameters for the run_tractometry_cc.sh script, including job name, time, nodes, CPUs per task, memory, output log path, and email notifications.
nb_points (optional) Number of points used in run_tractometry_cc.sh. If this variables is empty, 20 points will be used by default
QC_ressources SLURM parameters for the run_dmriqc_cc.sh script, including nodes, CPUs per task, memory, time, and output log path.

Creating multiple config file with evocative names can allow you to quickly switch between two dataset or two configurations of your data without changing anything in the other scripts. After creating this file you can run any other script of this repository this way:

bash some_script_path your_config_file_path

If you only use one config file you can name it config_ex.sh, since it is the file that will be used as default if no config file is specified as argument when calling a script. Or you could change the DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE="config_ex.sh" line in all the scripts to use your config file by default.

Analysis Workflow


Preprocessing and tractogram generation

In the tractoflow folder you will find scripts and information to run the first steps of the analysis. The main tool used for this part is TractoFlow which does the preprocessing of the DWI files and generates tractograms.

Bundle segmentation

The second step is bundle segmentation. In the bundleseg folder are scripts and information for the segmentation of the bundles computed using TractoFlow. The main tool used for this part is the RecobundlesX pipeline


The third step is tractometry which is done using another scilus lab tool : tractometry_flow We encontered an issue with tractometry_flow that might be fixed eventually, but be aware that some bundles might have too few streamlines and this can lead to the pipeline crashing. To resolve this you can remove the bundles that cause the issue from your data.