Teufelauto / 2D6D-Dice

Dice Roller for 2D6 Dungeon
MIT License
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2D6 Digital Dice


A Dice Simulator for use with the solo RPG '2D6 Dungeon' by Toby Lancaster.

2D6D Dice is an independent production by Jamie Halford and is not affiliated with DR Games or Toby Lancaster. It is published under the 2D6 Dungeon Third Party License.

Dice colors can be changed, as well as styles; dots or numbers. Dice sounds and vibration can be changed in Options. Any changes must be saved in the same menu, or they will disappear when leaving that menu. Default colors can be reset without affecting dot styles, and vice versa. The saved preference file is human-readable. In the Windows Demo, the save file is found at C:\Users\ user_name \AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\2D6_Digital_Dice

Information on Downloading:

The compiled zip files found here on GitHub in Releases to the right do not require downloading anything else. They are ready to unzip and run from that folder. They are considered an Alpha build for use on a computer to look for bugs. They are totally usable as a desktop app, though. The Android APK file will NOT be distributed here for sideloading. It will be distributed as a Google Play Open-Beta when ready. I will not be distributing this app on IOS because I don't feel like giving Apple $100 every year for the privilege of distributing a free app on iPhone. Someone else may compile this for iOS under the terms of the MIT License. They will need to confirm function of Back Button, especially.


Game Engine:

Required Godot Addons for development:
