TexasInstruments / ti-docker-images

This repository provides a ubuntu 22.04 based docker image with all the packages that are required for Yocto Builds. The docker image can also be used to Install & Build via Top Level Makefile from sources for TI Arm based microprocessors
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am62a am62p am62x dockerfile sitara texas-instruments ti-docker-images ubuntu yocto


This repository provides a ubuntu 22.04 based docker image with all the packages that are required for Yocto Builds. The docker image can also be used to Install & Build via Top Level Makefile from sources for TI Arm based microprocessors


First you need to install and setup docker. Docker is a software container platform that you need to install on the build host. Depending on your build host, you might have to install different software to support Docker containers. Go to the Docker installation page and read about the platform requirements in Supported Platforms your build host needs to run containers.

If you are unfamiliar with Docker and the container concept, you can learn more here - https://docs.docker.com/get-started/.

Once you have the setup ready, you should be able to launch Docker or the Docker Toolbox and have a terminal shell on your development host.

Steps to Run Yocto Kirkstone based builds inside a Container

1. Pull the Docker Image & Start a Container

# On Host
host# export WORK_DIR=<path-to-your-host-where-you-want-to-start-yocto-build>
host# docker run --privileged -it -v ${WORK_DIR}:/home/tisdk -v /dev:/dev -v /media/:/media/ -w /home/tisdk ghcr.io/texasinstruments/ubuntu-distro:latest

# Inside Container Now
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ pwd

šŸ“ If working behind a proxy, ensure to setup the network proxy

2. Start Yocto Kirkstone based build

tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ pwd

# Provide necessary permissions to write in /home/tisdk to user tisdk
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ sudo chown -R tisdk /home/tisdk

# Clone oe-layersetup
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ git clone https://git.ti.com/git/arago-project/oe-layersetup.git tisdk
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ cd tisdk
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ ./oe-layertool-setup.sh -f configs/processor-sdk/<oe-config-file>
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ cd build  
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ . conf/setenv

# To build <target> image
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ MACHINE=<machine> bitbake -k <target>

# To build tisdk-default-image image for AM62x
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ MACHINE=am62xx-evm bitbake -k tisdk-default-image

Refer Build Options under Processor SDK Build Reference for machine & target options.

Your target wic image will be generated in deploy-ti directory. Refer Create SD Card to flash this image on the SD-Card.

Steps to Run SDK Installer inside Container

Under PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX, TI provides Linux Installer for sources, pre-built binaries and file system images generated using Yocto build environment (Eg : PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-AM62X)

1. Pull the Docker Image & Start a Container

# On Host
host# export WORK_DIR=<path-on-your-host-where-you-want-install-the-installer>
host# docker run --privileged -it -v ${WORK_DIR}:/home/tisdk -v /dev:/dev -v /media/:/media/ -w /home/tisdk ghcr.io/texasinstruments/ubuntu-distro:latest

# Inside Container Now
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ pwd

šŸ“ If working behind a proxy, ensure to setup the network proxy

2. Download & Install the SDK Installer

tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ pwd

# Provide necessary permissions to write in /home/tisdk to user tisdk
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ sudo chown -R tisdk /home/tisdk

# Download & Install SDK Installer 
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ wget <link-to-sdk-installer-from-ti.com>
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ chmod +x ti-processor-sdk-linux-<machine>-<version>-Linux-x86-Install.bin
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ ./ti-processor-sdk-linux-<machine>-<version>-Linux-x86-Install.bin --prefix . --mode unattended 

# Eg: To Download & Install AM62x 9.1 SDK Installer 
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ wget https://dr-download.ti.com/software-development/software-development-kit-sdk/MD-PvdSyIiioq/
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ chmod +x ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xx-evm-
tisdk@9b297a000db9:~$ ./ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xx-evm- --prefix . --mode unattended 

After the installation is complete, you can now tryout various SDK features such as,