TezRomacH / python-package-template

πŸš€ Your next Python package needs a bleeding-edge project structure.
MIT License
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best-practices codestyle cookiecutter formatters makefile poetry python python-packages semantic-versions template

Python Packages Project Generator

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cookiecutter gh:TezRomacH/python-package-template --checkout v1.1.1

All you need is the latest version of cookiecutter πŸ˜‰

πŸš€ Features

In this cookiecutter πŸͺ template we combine state-of-the-art libraries and best development practices for Python.

Development features

Deployment features

Open source community features

🀯 How to use it


To begin using the template consider updating cookiecutter

pip install -U cookiecutter

then go to a directory where you want to create your project and run:

cookiecutter gh:TezRomacH/python-package-template --checkout v1.1.1

Input variables

Template generator will ask you to fill some variables.

The input variables, with their default values:

Parameter Default value Description
project_name python-project Check the availability of possible name before creating the project.
project_description based on the project_name Brief description of your project.
organization based on the project_name Name of the organization. We need to generate LICENCE and to specify ownership in pyproject.toml.
license MIT One of MIT, BSD-3, GNU GPL v3.0 and Apache Software License 2.0.
minimal_python_version 3.7 Minimal Python version. One of 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9. It is used for builds, GitHub workflow and formatters (black, isort and pyupgrade).
github_name based on the organization GitHub username for hosting. Also used to set up README.md, pyproject.toml and template files for GitHub.
email based on the organization Email for CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, SECURITY.md files and to specify the ownership of the project in pyproject.toml.
version 0.1.0 Initial version of the package. Make sure it follows the Semantic Versions specification.
line_length 88 The max length per line (used for codestyle with black and isort). NOTE: This value must be between 50 and 300.
create_example_template cli If cli is chosen generator will create simple CLI application with Typer and Rich libraries. One of cli, none

All input values will be saved in the cookiecutter-config-file.yml file so that you won't lose them. πŸ˜‰


Demo of github.com/TezRomacH/python-package-template

More details

Your project will contain README.md file with instructions for development, deployment, etc. You can read the project README.md template before.

Initial set up

Initialize poetry

By running make install

After you create a project, it will appear in your directory, and will display a message about how to initialize the project.

Initialize pre-commit

By running make pre-commit-install. Make sure to set up git first via git init.

Package example

Want to know more about Poetry? Check its documentation.

Details about Poetry

Poetry's [commands](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#commands) are very intuitive and easy to learn, like: - `poetry add numpy@latest` - `poetry run pytest` - `poetry publish --build` etc

CLI example

If you set create_example_template to be cli the template comes with a cute little CLI application example. It utilises Typer and Rich for CLI input validation and beautiful formatting in the terminal.

After installation via make install (preferred) or poetry install you can try to play with the example:

poetry run <project_name> --help
poetry run <project_name> --name Roman

Building and releasing your package

Building a new version of the application contains steps:

Makefile usage

Makefile contains a lot of functions for faster development.

1. Download and remove Poetry

To download and install Poetry run: ```bash make poetry-download ``` To uninstall ```bash make poetry-remove ```

2. Install all dependencies and pre-commit hooks

Install requirements: ```bash make install ``` Pre-commit hooks coulb be installed after `git init` via ```bash make pre-commit-install ```

3. Codestyle

Automatic formatting uses `pyupgrade`, `isort` and `black`. ```bash make codestyle # or use synonym make formatting ``` Codestyle checks only, without rewriting files: ```bash make check-codestyle ``` > Note: `check-codestyle` uses `isort`, `black` and `darglint` library Update all dev libraries to the latest version using one comand ```bash make update-dev-deps ```

4. Code security

```bash make check-safety ``` This command launches `Poetry` integrity checks as well as identifies security issues with `Safety` and `Bandit`. ```bash make check-safety ```

5. Type checks

Run `mypy` static type checker ```bash make mypy ```

6. Tests with coverage badges

Run `pytest` ```bash make test ```

7. All linters

Of course there is a command to ~~rule~~ run all linters in one: ```bash make lint ``` the same as: ```bash make test && make check-codestyle && make mypy && make check-safety ```

8. Docker

```bash make docker-build ``` which is equivalent to: ```bash make docker-build VERSION=latest ``` Remove docker image with ```bash make docker-remove ``` More information [about docker](https://github.com/TezRomacH/python-package-template/tree/master/%7B%7B%20cookiecutter.project_name%20%7D%7D/docker).

9. Cleanup

Delete pycache files ```bash make pycache-remove ``` Remove package build ```bash make build-remove ``` Delete .DS_STORE files ```bash make dsstore-remove ``` Remove .mypycache ```bash make mypycache-remove ``` Or to remove all above run: ```bash make cleanup ```

🎯 What's next

Well, that's up to you πŸ’ͺ🏻. I can only recommend the packages and articles that helped me.


πŸ“ˆ Releases

You can see the list of available releases on the GitHub Releases page.

We follow Semantic Versions specification.

We use Release Drafter. As pull requests are merged, a draft release is kept up-to-date listing the changes, ready to publish when you’re ready. With the categories option, you can categorize pull requests in release notes using labels.

List of labels and corresponding titles

Label Title in Releases
enhancement, feature πŸš€ Features
bug, refactoring, bugfix, fix πŸ”§ Fixes & Refactoring
build, ci, testing πŸ“¦ Build System & CI/CD
breaking πŸ’₯ Breaking Changes
documentation πŸ“ Documentation
dependencies ⬆️ Dependencies updates

πŸ§ͺ TODOs

This template will continue to develop and follow the bleeding edge new tools and best practices to improve the Python development experience.

Here is a list of things that have yet to be implemented:

πŸ›‘ License


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.

πŸ… Acknowledgements

This template was inspired by several great articles:

and repositories:

Give them your ⭐️, these resources are amazing! πŸ˜‰

πŸ“ƒ Citation

  author = {Roman Tezikov},
  title = {Python Packages Project Generator},
  year = {2020},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/TezRomacH/python-package-template}}

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