Tfindelkind / ceph-on-AWS

Scripts and files to install and deploy a ceph training environment based on AWS
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Bash scripts and configuration files to install and deploy a ceph training environment based on AWS Author: Thomas Findelkind, @TFindelkind, Blog:, webmaster at


- bash 

- AWS CLI need to be installed and configured:
  Test if commands work like: aws ec2 describe-vpcs --output table 
  Your user need to have the rights to create objects like: VPC, RouteTable, Route, Instances,...

- If the region you want to use is not Frankfurt (eu-central-1) set the default region in the "aws configure" 
  and make use of the -a -b option to set the two Availabilty zones you would like to use

- The AWS VPC and CIDR which is used is forced to be one 10.LAB_SUBNET.X.X net. The lab subnet can only be choosen in the range of 10.XXX.

- git 


git clone

How-To run

The setup is seperated in three parts

1. Creation of the AWS environment
    The following script will be run by the admin user to create a lab environment including a VPC called: vpc-ceph-lab ands an IGW

    (This creates a lab with Subnet 10.100.0.XXX in the region Franfurt eu-central-1)

    ./create_ceph_on_AWS -a eu-west-1a -b eu-west-1b -s 30 -u 10 -v my-vpc
    (This creates a lab with Subnet 10.30.10.XXX in the region Ireland (eu-west-1) with AZ eu-west-1a and eu-west-1b  in VPC with the name tag my-vpc
     Make sure to set the default region with "aws configure")

2. Setup ceph-admin hosts
    The following script will be run by the student/user inside the ceph-admin instances to prepare the whole environment for ceph


3.  The following script will be run by the student/user inside the ceph-admin instances to deploy and create the ceph cluster


4. Setup Calamari (optional)    
    The following script will be run by the student/user inside the ceph-admin instances to install calamari for this environment


Have fun!