The-King-was-Dead / Game-project

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The king was Dead


Tiny rogue meets RPG meets binding of Isaac.



The kingdom was in an uproar. The king was dead, murdered by an evil wizard who had taken over the throne. The people were afraid and didn't know what to do. However, unbeknownst to him, one of his artefacts was cursed with immortality causing the king's spirit to be trapped in the artefact. Corrupting and causing the king to take the appearance of a beast. As the king returned to life, he met the wizard who had placed such a curse on the artefacts. And discovered that the only way to break the curse and regain his humanity was to rescue his kingdom and get rid of the evil wizard that killed him. The king set out on a quest to find the wizard and kill him. He travelled to many different places, fighting battles and overcoming many obstacles. He encountered many of his trusty subjects from the kingdom, which managed to escape from the wicked wizard. Finally, he reached the wizard's castle. He fought the wizard and won, breaking the curse and regaining his humanity. Or so the story should have unfolded.


In the King was Dead you play as the King murdered by the evil wizard. Back to life because of a curse, you’re set out on a quest to find the wizard and kill him. The game play is the top down view of the king slaying enemies within a room. You can use melee, ranged and magic to fight. After defeating all the enemies, you get to choose a room to continue. There are several types of rooms such as rewards, regular fights, shop, mini boss, final boss, rest and event. Depending on the player choice, every 6 rooms you will get a difficult fight (mini boss) and the third fight will be the main boss of the area. The game is set in 4 different areas (forest, mountain, graveyard and castle), the fourth being the final one with the final boss being the evil wizard. During the game you collect gold coins from slaying regular monsters and gems from bosses and mini bosses. When you die, you resurrect at a starting area called the “Wizard hut”. In this area you’re able to use your gold coins to improve your equipment and gems for your abilities and stats.