The-Lab-at-OPM / Welcome-to-Telehealth-Kit

Welcome to Telehealth Kit
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Welcome to Telehealth Kit

This is the prototype for the Welcome to Telehealth Kit. It’s built with Middleman but can and should be built and used with a content management system. You can view the latest build on staging via anatecture.


Running it locally

  1. First, ensure you have a Ruby environment with Bundler on your computer.
  2. In your terminal, cd into this directory and run bundle install.
  3. Run bundle exec middleman and go to localhost:4567 in your browser.


After you have successfully run the app locally, use bundle exec middleman build to create a new build. It will be in the /build/ directory.

Where things are

The HTML is primarily split between /source/index.html.erb for the content and /source/layouts/layout.erb for everything else. The VA seal can be found in /source/partials/_va-seal.html.erb as an SVG.

Stylesheets are written in Sass and can be found at /source/stylesheets/style.css.scss.

Scripts are in /source/javascripts/script.js.


URL features

This Welcome to Telehealth Kit can contain an array of content modules, not all of which are visible by default. To see a list of all content modules add /?edit to the URL and you can see all modules and customize the URL for the user.

HTML Structure and special features

The main content file is /source/index.html.erb and it contains a series of <article> elements. Each of these elements denotes a page of content and should have a unique ID. By default all modules are visible, but to make a section optional add the class class="sectionName hidden" and modify the Name part of sectionName to be a capitalized variation of the unique ID.

Within each <article> there is a <header> containing a headline <h1> and optional opening paragraph <p>.

Below the <header> is a <section> where all content can be placed.

To make a <ul> a checklist add the class checklist

Editable sections are spans withe the class editable like so: <span class="editable"></span> and adding a title attribute will add text explaining what the field is for <span class="editable" title="Date of appointment"></span>.

If you want the section to print out as a card, add the class card to the <article>. Cards are formatted with the <section> first and an <aside> after like so:

<section class="card-content">
<aside class="card-aside">