The-Learning-And-Vision-Atelier-LAVA / BUFFER

[CVPR 2023] BUFFER: Balancing Accuracy, Efficiency, and Generalizability in Point Cloud Registration
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BUFFER: Balancing Accuracy, Efficiency, and Generalizability in Point Cloud Registration (CVPR 2023)

This is the official repository of BUFFER, a point cloud registration method for balancing accuracy, efficiency, and generalizability. For technical details, please refer to:

BUFFER: Balancing Accuracy, Efficiency, and Generalizability in Point Cloud Registration
Sheng Ao, Qingyong Hu, Hanyun Wang, Kai Xu, Yulan Guo.

[Paper] [Video] [Project page]

(1) Overview


(2) Setup

This code has been tested with Python 3.8, Pytorch 1.9.1, CUDA 11.1 on Ubuntu 20.04.

export CUDA_HOME=/your/cuda/home/directory/ pip install "git+git://" pip install --upgrade pip install ninja kornia einops easydict tensorboard tensorboardX pip install nibabel -i --trusted-host cd cpp_wrappers && sh && cd .. git clone && cd torch-batch-svd && python install && cd .. && sudo rm -rf torch-batch-svd/

### (3) 3DMatch
Following [Predator](, we provide the processed 3DMatch training set (subsampled fragments with voxel size of 1.5cm and their ground truth transformation matrices). 

Download the processed dataset from [Google Drive]( and put the folder into `data`. 
Then the structure should be as follows:

- `data`
    - `ThreeDMatch`
        - `train`
            - `7-scenes-chess`
            - ...
            - `3DMatch_train_overlap.pkl`
            - `train_3dmatch.txt`
            - `val_3dmatch.txt`
        - `test`
            - `3DLoMatch`
            - `3DMatch`


Training BUFFER on the 3DMatch dataset:

cd ./ThreeDMatch python


Evaluate the performance of the trained models on the 3DMatch dataset:

cd ./ThreeDMatch python

To evaluate the performance of BUFFER on the 3DLoMatch dataset, you only need to modify the ` = '3DMatch'` in `` to ` = '3DLoMatch'` and performs:


### (4) KITTI
Download the data from the [KITTI Odometry website]( into `data`. 
Then the structure is as follows:

- `data`
    - `KITTI`
        - `dataset`
            - `pose`
                - `00.txt`
                - ...
            - `sequences`
                - `00`
                - ...


Training BUFFER on the KITTI dataset:

cd ./KITTI python


Evaluate the performance of the trained models on the KITTI dataset:

cd ./KITTI python

### (5) ETH

The test set can be downloaded from [here](, and put the folder into `data`, then the structure is as follows:

- `data`
    - `ETH`
        - `gazebo_summer`
        - `gazebo_winter`
        - `wood_autmn`
        - `wood_summer`

### (6) Generalizing to Unseen Datasets 

**3DMatch to ETH**

Generalization from 3DMatch dataset to ETH dataset:

cd ./generalization/ThreeD2ETH python

**3DMatch to KITTI**

Generalization from 3DMatch dataset to KITTI dataset:

cd ./generalization/ThreeD2KITTI python

**KITTI to 3DMatch**

Generalization from KITTI dataset to 3DMatch dataset:

cd ./generalization/KITTI2ThreeD python

**KITTI to ETH**

Generalization from KITTI dataset to ETH dataset:

cd ./generalization/KITTI2ETH python

## Acknowledgement

In this project, we use (parts of) the implementations of the following works:

* [Vector Neurons](
* [D3Feat](
* [PointDSC](
* [SpinNet](
* [GeoTransformer](
* [RoReg](

### Citation
If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

      title={BUFFER: Balancing Accuracy, Efficiency, and Generalizability in Point Cloud Registration},
      author={Ao, Sheng and Hu, Qingyong and Wang, Hanyun and Xu, Kai and Guo, Yulan},
      booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

### Updates
* 07/06/2023: The code is released!
* 28/02/2023: This paper has been accepted by CVPR 2023!

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