The-Lounge / TheLounge
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
4 stars 7 forks source link

The Lounge

Dev Environment

Global npm packages


Compass is a CSS preprocessor (build in ruby) that already is integrated into our build scripts. It is used by Bootstrap (awesome UI framework by twitter).

Setup and Running the App

Unless otherwise noted, you should run commands from the root directory of the project.

Every time package.json changes, you will need to run npm i. This command installs all local NPM modules defined for the project. Both Node JS (server) and browser dependencies are installed through npm, and included through Browserify. Server dependencies should be installed with npm i [name] --save and browser dependencies with npm i [name] --save-dev

Before you run the app for the first time, you will need to setup or local configuration. To do so, follow the instructions in config/local_template.js. You will also need to execute a build of the app, by running grunt build-dev prior to starting the app.

To start the Sails server, you need to run npm run devStart. This command points to a script defined in package.json that runs the server. Executing npm start will run the app in production mode. When the sails server is running, you can view the app at http://localhost:1337. You will see message in your browser console similar to Now connected to Sails.

To use mock data, the app must be run in mock mode. Running the app to connect to the test DB will not provide access to mock data, nor visa-versa. To run the app in mock mode, run npm run mockStart.

When you're developing, you'll want to run grunt watch (in a new terminal tab). When you load the Angular app in your browser, it should connect with the live-reload server (if it can't you'll get an error in your browser). This will reload your page when you make changes to the app in your IDE and run tools like JS Hint automatically.

This connection will automatically reload your app when files are changed.

Other tasks are run when different files are changed:

Project Structure

(directory/) = directory ignored in git

├─ .elasticbeanstalk - configuration for Amazon server
├─ (.tmp/) - contains the compiled distribution of our UI app
├─ api/ - Sails app logic
├─ assets/ - assets used by Sails (not much will be here)
├─ config/ - Sails configuration
├─ mocks/ - hardcoded test data
├─ ng/ - Angular application code
│  ├─ js/ - JS that will run in the browser
│  ├─ styles/ - CSS/SCSS
│  ├─ services/ - Custom Angular Services
│  ├─ views/ - angular templates/views
│  ├─ images/ - image assets
│  └─ index.html - starting point for the Angular app
├─ tasks/ - configuration for Grunt build tasks
├─ views/ Sails view (were not using these)
├─ (node_modules/) - install directory for local node modules
├─ scripts - utility/build scripts
├─ test/ - contains tests
│  ├─ api-int - Integration tests for the API
│  ├─ api-spec - Unit tests for the API
│  └─ ui-spec - UI unit test
├─ .jshintrc - JS Hint config
├─ .sailsrc - Sails.js config
├─ app.js - The sails app launcher
├─ circle.yml - configuration for Cirlce CI builds
├─ Gruntfile.js - Sails generated task config
└─ package.json - node and browser app definition and dependencies

All Angular/UI code is held in the app/ng directory. When the project runs this code is copied to the .tmp directory, which is where Sails load the UI from.

Targeted Platforms

The responsive web app will officially target the following browsers/platforms:


