The-Odd-Institute / NotJetpackJoyride

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📝About The Project

NotJetpackJoyride is an attempt to recreate JetPack Joyride within Unity. The game features a character who avoids obstacles while trying to pickup coins and travel as far as possible. The catch of the game is the player's ability to fly up and down using the jetpack. This project was done over an 11 week period in which most work was done within a 4 hour class.

My Contribution

Most of my contribution to this project was through the eyes of a Project/Product Manager, where I spent most of my time assigning tasks, deciding what each classmate should do next in the project, and brainstorming more ideas with the class to add to the game.

🔸 Assigning Tasks

Tasks were assigned through Github Projects and were seperated between Backlog, To do, In Progress, and Done. Backlog was created for tasks that I had created but were not yet assigned to a classmate. To do was made as a category for tasks that were assigned and had a classmate who could work on them. Once a classmate received their task they would tell me once they had started working on it. I would then move the task to In Progress. Once a task was finished, the Head of the Programming department and I would look over what they had done and move it to the finished category.

🔸 Slack

App Screenshot

We used Slack to communicate at home during the course of the project. This made the project run a lot more smoothly and allowed for all of the team members to stay in contact with me over the course of the project.

🔸 Project Distribution

Overall, the project was seperated into many categories to ensure everyone had something to work on.

The project had a member in charge of


Coins and Rockets

Instructions to Use

1. Download Unity Version 2022.3.23f1
2. Clone the Github in Github Desktop