The-Poolz / Poolz-Back

smart contracts using solidity for erc20 tokens to eth and erc20 to erc20
MIT License
13 stars 9 forks source link
cross-platform defi ethereum-contract solidity-dapps


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The-Poolz core decentralized application for creating Initial DEX Offerings.


npm install


truffle run coverage


truffle dashboard
truffle migrate --f 1 --to 1 --network dashboard



Create new Pool

_Token - ERC20 token address for sale.

_FinishTime - after the time finished the pool expired. PO can withdraw remaining tokens.

_Rate - during the investment period, the rate will be multiplied by the investment amount.

_POZRate - rate for whitelisted users. _POZRate must be greater than the regular rate.

_StartAmount - total amount of the tokens to sell in the IDO. The contract will lock the tokens until the investment time.

_LockedUntil - set to zero to use Direct Sales Pools, or enter a time in the future to use Time-Locked Pools.

_MainCoin - trading token address. Investors will use this token/coin to purchase IDO tokens.

_Is21Decimal - If true, the rate will be rate*10^-21.

_Now - start pool time. Tokens can only be purchased after the start time.

_WhiteListId - the whitelist ID we will be working with. The white list contains a list of users with primary access to sales.

Pool types

The main types are Direct Selling Pools (DSP) and Time Locked Pools (TLP).

Pool statuses


The-Poolz Contracts is released under the MIT License.