The-Randalorian / Dialegume

An Open Source Dialog System for the Godot game engine.
MIT License
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An Open Source Dialog System for the Godot game engine. Dialegume is designed to make adding dialog to you game easy while still being customizeable.

Dialegume Screenshot 1

It is designed to handle:

  1. Text scaling (keep the same number of lines.)
  2. Character animations (moving from left to right.)
  3. Character emotions (different images depending on emotion.)
  4. Branching decisions.
  5. Triggering in game events.
  6. Item/object pictures (icons to indicate characters interacting with an object.)
  7. Easy translating.
  8. Special text for key items or button names.
  9. Custom features via custom handlers.

The name Dialegume comes from combining the words "dialog" and "legume". More specifically, "dialog" can also be spelled "dialogue". This looks like it would be said like "dia log you", which sounds like legume. Hence, Dialegume.

How to

  1. Copy (and optionally customize) res://addons/dialegume/sample/dialog_box.tscn to somewhere else in your project.
  2. Add your copied dialog box scene to your UI.
  3. Write your script in Dialegume XML.
  4. Call load_dialog(path: str) on the dialog box with the path to your dialog file.
  5. Call continue_dialog() on the dialog box when the user presses a key (such as space bar.)

Writing Dialegume XML

Documentation on the XML tags/elements available can be found on the wiki

A sample conversation and supporting files are included in res://addons/dialegume/sample/ for users to see. The file res://addons/dialegume/sample/conversations/sample-dialog.tldr-dxml contains XML comments (look for <!-- comment here -->) discussing many of the available tags.

Dialegume Screenshot 2

Customizing The Dialog Box

TODO: Fully Document customization methods

There are a bunch of settings that need to be applied to the child nodes used by the dialog box. To get these correct, it is recommended to copy the res://addons/dialegume/sample/dialog_box.tscn scene and customize things from there.


The sample character art images were drawn by SPECTRE1.

The sample background art was modeled by Carpe DM.