Unwritten3D is a prototype for an open source online game engine and creator using three.js and a couple of other libraries, and borrowing code from a few more. We hope to experiment with a more intuitive way of manipulating the building blocks that make up your game.
You will need to have webGL capabilities to view the [demo] (http://the-source-eternal.github.io/Unwritten3D/ ). You can check if you have webGL here: http://get.webgl.org
To open the editor once you are playing, press "q".
Having it on your local machine is a bit more complicated than just cloning the repo and dragging index.html into your browser. The instructions are written just below. This is because Unwritten3D has to use a server and, working locally, a tiny temporary one needs to be created.
npm install
npm start
npm start
again so beefy can rebuild your bundle.js to include that new fileRemember, while playing you can press 'q' to open the editor.
To publish to the website, you'll need commit access. For devs only.
npm run publish