TheAssassin / blueflare

Blueflare, a Blue Nebula server browser inspired by Redflare, written in Python
MIT License
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This repository provides clients for the Blue Nebula master server protocol and the server info protocol. It also contains a web application as a frontend and as an example application.

This application was created as an alternative to the original Redflare (Github project, guess what its name was inspired by), written in Python 3 using standard components like Bootstrap 3.

This application uses the tornado framework and runs only on Python 3.5.


Check out, the official instance.


The easiest way to deploy this application is to build and run its Docker container.

Just forward the port 3000 to some public port or to some host-local port and use a reverse proxy like NGINX or Apache2 to forward some domain or route to this application.

If you decide to use the reverse proxy workflow, you can also just use the docker-compose configuration that is included in this repository. After cloning the repository and installing docker-compose, run the following command to build the image and create and start your container:

docker-compose up

Then you can set up a reverse proxy for You may also need a rewrite rule that rewrites the root route (/) to /index.html.

An NGINX site configuration could look like this:

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]80;

    server_name <insert your hostname here>;

    rewrite ^/$ /index.html;

    location / {

    // ...
    // logging configuration etc.