TheCakeIsNaOH / chocolatey-packages

Package sources for
Apache License 2.0
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Chocolatey package sources for the Chocolatey Community Repository

Build status Update status chocolatey/TheCakeIsNaOH

The majority of the packages in this repository are automatically updated using AU.

If a package is out of date by more than a day or two, please open a Outdated package issue

Or contact me directly via the contact maintainers button on one of my packages on the Chocolatey Community Repository if you don't have/want a Github account.

Prerequites to run the automatic update scripts:

Scripts can be tested with the test_all.ps1 script, run with no arguments to force update all package, or pass package names to force update individual packages. Please be advised that this will update the version with package fix notation, so a git reset --hard will be required to get back to a clean tree.

To test an individual update script, either:

  1. Manually bump down the version in the .nuspec and run $au_NoCheckCHocoVersion = $true
  2. Run $au_force = $true, although this will add a package fix notation to the version. Then run the update.ps1 script.

Files for each package are located in their own directories, with the exception of the icons, which are located in the Icons directory.