TheCodingLand / sendFreeboxHidCommands

This python script is designed to troubleshoot and craft packets to connect to Freebox SA "Freebox Player" Foils API
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FOILS or is an api that has been implemented on the french provider media player.

it allows HID like communication, so keyboards, mices, remote controls etc...

The protocol is described here :

This script's goal is just to send and recieve commands, to test and understand the protocol.

More info on the API is available here :

Installation :

First, install Python 2.7

Open a command prompt :

"pip install zeroconf"


"python send"

paste hex values for the packets you want to try

ex : 02010000bd980000d8aec240

The box should send a reply.

For devs only until we can figure out what the FBX should reply and what to send it back.

For now, this script does nothing usefull except for devs.

Oh, and this descriptor should work : 100100001D390000000000020000000054C3A96CC3A9636F6D6D616E6465204672656554C3A96C65630000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000070005000C0000000C00000050C0901A10185019501751019002A8C021500268C0280C005010906A1018502050795017508150026FF00050719002AFF0080C005010A8000A1018503750195041A81002A84008102750195048101C00000000000000000
