TheDataRideAlongs / ProjectDomino

Scaling COVID public behavior change and anti-misinformation
Apache License 2.0
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behavior-change covid graph graphs4good misinformation

Project Domino

Open source AI to scale the fight against misinformation

One of the most important steps in stopping the COVID-19 pandemic is influencing mass behavior change for citizens to take appropriate, swift action on mitigating infection and human-to-human contact. Government officials at all levels have advocated misinformed practices such as dining out or participating in outdoor gatherings that have contributed to amplifying the curve rather than flattening it. At time of writing, the result of poor crisis emergency risk communication has led to over 32.9M US citizens testing positive, 2-20X more are likely untested, and over 584K deaths. The need to influence appropriate behavior and mitigation actions are extreme: The US has shot up from untouched to become the 6th most infected nation.

Project Domino accelerates research on developing capabilities for information hygiene at the mass scale necessary for the current national disaster and for future ones. We develop and enable the use of 3 key data capabilities for modern social discourse:

Scale with community and industry to flip the asymmetries. Key to our approach is focusing on scale:


We are collecting, analyzing, and sharing data around:

While we cannot publish the raw data due due to compliance restrictions from our data porviders, we are happy to support individual projects, such as for analyzing and predicting real-world compliance of health policies, and identifying bad actors. Please jump into the Slack or contact a project leader on LinkedIn and we'll get you going.

The interventions

We are working with ethics groups to identify safe interventions along the following lines:

The technologies

How to help

We are actively seeking several forms of support:


Please contact Leo Meyerovich, CEO @ Graphistry and Sean Griffin, CEO @ DisasterTech for support and information.

Community Slack channel: #COVID via an open invite link