TheEternalCitizens / mudlet-integration

A mudlet integration for The Eternal City
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Env Colors for mapper #139

Open davewiththenicehat opened 4 years ago

davewiththenicehat commented 4 years ago

herdiasToday at 3:10 PM @DaveWithTheNiceHat Command to set EnvID based on query. ^/setrooms (\w+) (\d+)$ local rooms = searchRoom(matches[2]) for roomID,_ in pairs(rooms) do setRoomEnv(roomID, tonumber(matches[3])) end

^/setEnvColor (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)$ setCustomEnvColor(matches[2], matches[3],matches[4],matches[5], 255) echo("Setting EnvID: " ..matches[2] .."to RGB: " ..matches[3]..","..matches[4]..","..matches[5])

Patrick aka patd31988Today at 3:12 PM So fucking cool herdiasToday at 3:12 PM So /setrooms garden 40 would assign any room in the map with garden in it's name to envID 40 /setEnvColor 40 126 200 80 would assign all EnvID 40 the color grass green The former can be used in your images idea when we have images. DaveWithTheNiceHatToday at 3:19 PM Even with images, we still want colors for room. Not everyone will want to use the images system. So both commands are usable. I'll add both commands. Maybe we can make them into one command? Like \mapenvcolor gardens 126 200 80. Where it makes a table that has a key of "gardens" and the value is the color code. So there is a permanent template? Than all new rooms check for that word in their name. Apply the color. Also that is one sexy ass map image. Good job! herdiasToday at 3:19 PM Still need to bake in the reserved EnvID's that are default to the mapper. Note: Numbers 1-16 and 257-272 are reserved by Mudlet. 257-272 are the default colors the user can adjust in mapper settings, so feel free to use them if you'd like - but don't overwrite them with this function. DaveWithTheNiceHatToday at 3:21 PM Must be reserved for the generic mapper. herdiasToday at 3:22 PM They're still in the parthia mapper. If I set something to EnvID 270 it'll turn it teal. Patrick aka patd31988Today at 3:22 PM I was thinking something similar, setting up a map of colors that can autoapply them, but the batching is so easy too DaveWithTheNiceHatToday at 3:24 PM herdias would you mind providing a list of keywords and colors to apply to them? Any format. Even if it is copied and pasted. herdiasToday at 3:25 PM You mean for room short descriptions? ^/getrooms (.*)$ display(searchRoom(matches[2])) Also forgot to give you this one. Will just display any rooms that match your query if you wanted to find rooms without changing any envID's or what not. herdiasToday at 3:38 PM Rooms also assign -1 as default envID if you wondered on creation I'm sure we could use that to troubleshoot/find rooms that missed queries. DaveWithTheNiceHatToday at 3:40 PM You mean for room short descriptions? @herdias I am thinking just a keyword list. Like where you have garden to a color code. So like: garden = 126,200,80 cave = somebrownish color If you are already making a list. It seems trivial. Without a doubt I will not choose good colors. herdiasToday at 3:41 PM I've been doing blanket changes right now to see if it works but stuff like the back roads of quartz heights could probably all be some myriad of the colors they all are.