TheEverythingTracker / Frontend

MIT License
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Build Docker-Image

TheEverythingTracker Frontend

Web App for playing video and interactively tracking displayed objects.

How to run



You need Docker installed on your machine. See Docker Docs for installation instructions.

Pull the Frontend Image and run a container:

docker pull 
docker run -it -p 8080:80 --name 'TheEverythingTracker_Frontend'

Pull the Backend Image and run a container:

docker pull
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --name 'TheEverythingTracker_Backend'

Connect to the Frontend:


Without Docker (for development):

See "Set up"

Technology Overview

This application is built with React and TypeScript using MUI for Material UI Components.



Set up

  1. If you don't have it yet: Install npm (see these docs)
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Install the dependencies with npm install.
  4. Run the application with npm run start
  5. Learn how to set up the Backend here: TheEverythingTracker/Backend

Build a new Docker Image

Whenever new Changes are pushed to the "main" branch, a new Docker image will be built by this GitHub Actions Pipeline. You can find the latest Docker image here.
If you want to build locally run docker build -t frontend:dev .