TheFrontier / SKC

Sponge+Kotlin annotation Commands
MIT License
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Sponge Kotlin annotation Commands

A Kotlin-based annotation command system for the Sponge platform.

Commands shouldn't be verbose to set up, and this library simplifies the work into simply declaring functions.

A Real World Example

@Command("resident", "res")
object CommandResident {

    object SubFriend {

        fun add(@Source src: CommandSource, @Source srcResident: Resident, resident: Resident) {
            transaction(DB) {
                srcResident.friends = SizedCollection(srcResident.friends + resident)
                src.sendMessage("Added a friend: ".green() +

Gradle (Kotlin DSL)

repositories {
    maven {

dependencies {
    implementation("com.github.TheFrontier:SKC:<current version>")