rng is an implementation of several well-known pseudo-random number generators which have far better characteristics than Java's built-in generator. rng can be used for simulations, games (dice rolling, shuffling of playing cards etc.) or for any other application where security is not paramount. Specifically, it should never be used for cryptographically secure applications.
Within rng you'll find the following generators (in alphabetical order):
All implemented generators share the same interface which makes them totally interchangeable - if you start using one of them but then want to switch to another, you'll have to change only one line of code.
The easiest and recommended way to install rng is via your favorite build tool (i.e. Maven or Gradle):
compile group: 'org.thejavaguy', name: 'rng', version: '0.2.0'
If you want to build the jar files (with code, javadoc and sources) yourself, you can do that easily:
$ git clone git@github.com:TheJavaGuy/rng.git
$ cd rng/
$ mvn clean package -Prng
$ ls -alF target | grep rng
Using any of the generators is super easy. You just need to create a generator object and then request a random number in the range you need.
Before obtaining pseudo-random numbers, you have to create a generator object:
PRNG.Smart generator = new MersenneTwister.Smart(new MersenneTwister());
In a similar way you would instantiate an object for some other generator, e.g.
PRNG.Smart generator = new XorshiftPlus.Smart(new XorshiftPlus());
This is probably the most common operation with the generator. To generate an integer you always have to specify a range (i.e. lower and upper bound of a number):
IntRange sixSidedDie = new IntRange(1, 6);
int dots = generator.nextInt(sixSidedDie);
This may look a bit verbose, but actually makes your code's intention very explicit. IntRange
class is constant (immutable) so you can share its instances freely.
double number = generator.nextDouble();
It's super easy to generate boolean
, byte
, short
and char
values too:
boolean coinToss = generator.nextBoolean();
byte colorIndex = generator.nextByte();
short tetrisScore = generator.nextShort();
char letter = generator.nextChar();
Additional generators can be easily added. There is only one requirement: every generator must implement the PRNG
interface. This interface has only one method int nextInt();
which must return integer in the whole range, i.e. [Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE]
. And that's it! All the heavy lifting afterwards is done automatically by the PRNG.Smart
class. If you know how to implement some other generator or believe there's a bug somewhere, please fork the project, change/add what you want and make a pull request.
rng is licensed under GPLv3 license.
I would like to say a big thank you to the following people - authors of generators implemented in rng project:
If you have a question or issue with rng itself please use Issues link. If you want to talk about anything else, I'm @_The_Java_Guy_ on Twitter.