A converter for the HD Picture Viewer program for the TI-84 Plus CE. Compatible with HDPICV v2.0.x
Download the calculator viewer here: https://github.com/TheLastMillennial/HD-Picture-Viewer
This application does not require admin privileges. Simply ensure the included convimg.exe
is in the same folder as HDPictureViewerConverter.exe
There are three major sections to this converter.
This will open a file dialog. You can select .png .jpg or .bmp files. If your picture is in a different format, there are online converters. The preferred format is .png When a picture is selected it will appear on the [queue] below.
This will remove all images from the [queue].
This shows the list of images that will be converted. Due to technical limitations, you cannot remove a single image from the queue, you must click [Delete Queue] to remove all images. There are two columns: Picture File Path and ID
This will start converting all pictures in the queue to a format the calculator understands. It will be replaced by a [Stop Conversion] button. One or more convimg command prompt windows will launch. Unless the option 'Do not resize image' is selected, conversion should only take less than 30 seconds. Files should be between 2-5KB. Once conversion is complete, you can find the converted files by clicking [Find Converted Pictures].
Clicking this sends a notice to the converter to stop. The converter may not stop until it has completed the current conversion phase. convimg will not stop and must be closed manually. It may take a few seconds before convimg shuts down. This will turn back into the [Convert Pictures] button.
This opens a file explorer window to the location the converted files are stored. There will be a folder with the name of the picture that was converted. Inside the folder will be all of the .8xv files that can be sent to the calculator. If something is not right, refer to the [Issues] section below.
Click on the drop down arrow next to Resize Options
. You have three options:
This checkbox enables verbose logging as well as some hidden features.
This will delete all .png .8xv .yaml and .lst files from the directory that HD Picture Converter is located in. It is useful for cleaning up leftover files if a conversion failed. Click Yes to delete files. Click No to cancel.
This is the number of convimg instances that will be launched when converting images. The default number is 1 for the options 'Maintain aspect ratio' and 'Stretch to fit'. When 'Do not resize image' is selected, the number of CPU cores on your machine will be detected and displayed here. More cores results in faster conversion since the work is more split up. However, this is only necessary for large images.
Below the logs there wil be some information about the original image, the image after resizing it, and how many 80*80 pixel squares will be used to represent the picture.. Note: If you see: "Squares Used: 4x3" Multiply 4 and 3 to get 12. Then add 1. This is the number of .8xv files that will be generated (13).
This contains the Logs box which will output any important information incuding warnings and errors. You should always read any text in red. To enable verbose logging, enable [Advanced Mode].
Report issues to the Github repo: https://github.com/TheLastMillennial/HDPictureViewerConverter2/issues
This program utilizes convimg, a tool created by MateoConLechuga. It is used in the C toolchain for the TI-84 Plus CE. Its license is in the CONVIMG_LICENSE
You can find the source code for convimg here: https://github.com/mateoconlechuga/convimg
All the tools for the C toolchain can be found here: https://github.com/CE-Programming/toolchain