TheMangoFactory / bakehouse

Streamlines web pre-processors for Spring resources
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Cooks up your HTML resources for you.



Grab bakehouse from maven central:



  1. Declare your resources in your jsp:

    <%@ taglib prefix="bakehouse" uri="" %>
    <bakehouse:resource src="" cdn=""/>
    <bakehouse:resources configuration="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        <bakehouse:resource src=""/>
        <bakehouse:resource src=""/>
    <bakehouse:resources configuration="typescript" type="text/javascript">
        <bakehouse:resource src=""/>

  2. Define a configuration:

    public class ExampleBakehouseConfig implements BakehouseConfigProvider {
        @Override @Bean
        public BakehouseConfig build(BakehouseConfigBuilder builder) {
                return builder
                    .process("typescript").with(new TypescriptProcessor("TypescriptCode.js"))
  3. Deploy: In production, the above generates the following html:

        <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
        <script src='/bakehouse-example/generated/AppCode.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
        <script src='/bakehouse-example/generated/TypescriptCode.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

Note - there's an actual working demo project available here

Wanna see more?

This project is currently a POC only. If you're interested, and wanna see it developed, you need to let me know! Add your voice to the conversation here