TheMarex / rust-shortestpath

Library to compute shortest paths in Rust
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This rust library aims to implement some shortest path algorithms and related data structures in a generic way. Currently only a simple Dijkstra search is implemented.

To import some real-world road networks shorestpath::graph_builder implements a loader for OSM data converted to geojson using minjur. This should be replaced with loading .osm.pbf files directly once Rust bindings for libosmium exist.


extern crate shortestpath;

use shortestpath::graph_builder::from_geojson;
use shortestpath::search::dijkstra;
use shortestpath::graph::Graph;
use shortestpath::addressable_heap::AddressableBinaryHeap;

// import a graph from geojson and create graph and ID translation table
let (graph, id_map) = from_geojson(&String::from("data/monaco.geojson")).unwrap();
// lookup graph internal IDs for OSM IDs
let start = *id_map.get(&3883559266_i64).unwrap();
let target = *id_map.get(&25193709_i64).unwrap();
// create a heap for the search
let mut heap : AddressableBinaryHeap<u32> = AddressableBinaryHeap::new(graph.num_nodes());
// run simple dijkstra search on the graph
let weight = dijkstra(&graph, &mut heap, start, target).unwrap();