TheNamlessGuy / browser-tab-grouper

Firefox plugin for grouping tabs
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Colorize Tab Through Container Or Change Site Icon #5

Open Jiang10086 opened 1 month ago

Jiang10086 commented 1 month ago

Hi, this is the most perfect tab group extension of Firefox, thanks for developing it.

Use Container

I have see the feature plan, it says "Force you to use separate cookie stores", but it seems not a must-be. A extension named Container Tab Groups provides an option to use same cookies from an container or the same cookies without container (like the normal tabs). image

So I thinks it may be possible to do this things after I group some tabs:

  1. Create a container with the tab group's name and same cookies of the normal tabs.
  2. Let the grouped tabs use the container created. In that way maybe we can see tab colorized tabs.

Change Site Icon


Auto Tab Discard can add an dot in the site icon to make the discarded tab differ from the normal tab, I think the tab grouper maybe can add different dot to the tabs belongs to different groups to make it identifiable.

TheNamlessGuy commented 1 month ago

Use Container

As far as I can tell from the documentation, it isn't possible. However, I've found that the documentation isn't 100% correct all of the time. I'll see if I can work something out.

Change Site Icon

Similar to Add tab prefix/favicon replacement on a group-per-group basis in Future plans and fixes. I sadly haven't had time to look into the functionality behind it all.