TheNamlessGuy / browser-tab-grouper

Firefox plugin for grouping tabs
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Tab grouper

Groups tabs in Firefox the same way you can do in chromium based browsers, replicated in the best way Firefox can currently manage.
The plugin allows you to group tabs together, and hide tabs that are not in the currently active group (if any).


Manual download

(This isn't currently possible, but will be soon, so I'm leaving this part in).
Download the .xpi file from the latest release.
Drag and drop the file into your Firefox instance to install it.

From Firefox AMO

The download page is here.


After installing the plugin, you start by simply right clicking on a tab and selecting "Add to new group" from the Tab grouper interface:
An image showing what the context menu options for adding a new group looks like

This will open a "group tab":
The contents of a group tab

Clicking on the tabs listed in the group will get to you to that tab. Closing the group tab itself will get rid of the group entirely.
Moving to a tab outside of the group will hide all the tabs within the group, aside from the group tab itself:
A gif showing that moving outside of the group tab will hide the tabs within the group

The first time you move outside of a group, you will most likely get a popup like this:
An image showing the hidden tabs warning Firefox gives off
It's of course up to you, but I recommend pressing the "Keep tabs hidden" option, or this plugin won't work as intended.

Adding another tab to the group is as simple as right clicking on it and selecting "Add to group ":
An image showing what the context menu options for adding a tab to an existing group looks like

Similarly, you can remove a tab from a group (or move it to another group) by right clicking on the tab in the group and selecting the appropriate option:
An image showing what the context menu options for removing and moving a tab from groups looks like

There are a few more options, such as:

Future plans and known issues

See this issue.