TheOnePath / Better-Flint-And-Steels

Issues and Recommendations here for Better Flint & Steels
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Better Flint & Steels

Issues and Recommendations here for Better Flint & Steels

Current version on Curseforge and Twitch is v0.9.4. This is the final release for Minecraft 1.12, Now awaiting for 1.13!

So what is this repository for?

This repository if for giving ideas for future releases of Better Flint & Steels. It is also for giving any issues that may occur with this mod; though for the moment, I doubt there will be any issues, unless there are any mod conflicts I am unaware of. So some general guidelines for this repository...

If the game crashes on start up.

If your game is crashing on start up, it's most-likely to be your end and not mine. Please make sure you have a stable release of Forge installed and not using forge before Build 1.12.2-, the most stable release is listed for Build 1.12.2 - but the lastest version is fine as well. Also make sure you are using an up-to-date version of Java 8 - and not before, don't have Java 6 installed.

Another thing to check before making an Issue is to make sure all mods are up-to-date to prevent any conflicts or bugs that may be present in those versions of other mods.

Making an Issue for the mod

If the above is true and everything is fine, then there may be a bug I am unaware of. Please follow the next few steps:

Making a Recommendation for the mod

Recommendations cannot be guarantueed in future releases but there may be influence, since this mod is community-somewhat based, your GitHub name will be included in the catalogue and a little note next to it briefly mentioning if it was an actual recommendation or influence for the feature added. If you wish to make a recommendation, please follow the next few steps:


Issues and Recommendations are created in the Issue tab of this repository and not in the curseforge project comment section. Your Issue will be closed if the issue is no longer present, if your Recommendation has been added to the mod or if there is another way of performing something that you wish to be added.