TheOnlyArtz / Seday

A / Express / discord.js / RethinkDB app full example of how dashboards should work.
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A Discord dashboard for bots


Seday is a very small project meant to guide beginner developers to run their first Dashboard for their bot.

Requirements / Modules being used


Why dashboards? why almost any bot developer would like to have one?
Here are the 2 main reasons:

Be careful with your actions!!!

As humans, most of us will never understand the idea behind - "With great power comes huge responsibility"
When you are getting that access_token which you will get to know later you can get any types of data from the user
They were many cases of dashboard owners who simply took tokens from victims and spam the API from the token which led the victim to a ban

I'm not responsible for the actions you will take!

Seday meant for educational purposes only! you can take this guide to the limits but please, don't be asshole without any friends

Don't you dare to do anything to hurt your dashboards users, because I know you already thought about it (Well... most of you)