TheProjecter / webchat2

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GNU General Public License v2.0
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WebChat2.0 (C) Chris Chabot 2006-2007 Released under the GPLv2, See LICENCE for more information.

This is a comet / ajax chat application, which uses a custom PHP (5.x) backend daemon that connects to a IRC server.

To run this application you need a few things:

1) A IRC server configured to allow many(!) connections from localhost (or the host where the daemon resides). Normal IRC servers are configured to allow only upto 3 connections from the same IP address, so you need to change this to the ammount of clients you want your webchat able to host (256-1024 is a reasonable number to start with). Also disable ident checking, because everything will be comming from localhost, this is pointless to do and only makes the process of connecting slower. During development i've used hybrid-ircd so if you run into trouble, try using that ircd :-)

2) Run the PHP chat daemon, it functions as the gateway between the browser based javascript frontend, and the irc backend, for extra paranoia protection, you could run the chat daemon in a chroot envirioment, read one of the many FAQ's available on this topic (it involves making a directory structure, using ldd to see what libs your php executable needs, copying those over, plus your php cli binary) and then running something like:

exec /usr/sbin/chroot /var/lib/php-chroot /usr/bin/php -Cq /chat/chat.php

3) A modern browser! The chat application should work with IE6, IE7 and firefox.

4) A willingness to accept that this software isn't finished yet :-) Feel free to mail sugestions, file bugs, write wiki pages, and send patches!