TheRealWolkenbruch / concept

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This project is part of the EU vs Virus Hackathon We are Team "Wolkenbruch"

Let’s create an app to “silently” protect people in violent households or elder citizens. A “dead man’s switch” is a switch that raises an alarm (in this case for example in a non-profit/social organization or in some social/welfare authority office), if it has not been pressed after a certain interval. The idea is to enforce regular feedback to those who need a bit of surveillance and protection, if the feedback is not coming, help can be sent or at least calls can be made.

This app is called AreYouThere.

Technical: Modern open source Web-App with backend & frontend, easy to deploy, mobile-friendly/first.

Extension points: Android/iPhone app with more functionality.

Needs: Frontend Devs, Backend Devs, Ops, Mobile Devs, POs

Our contribution can be found at DevPost:

Areas of Work & Responsibility

Responsibility in this regard means: Have fun! Allow pair programming! But try to make sure to drive your topics forward. Escalate early. :)

Next Meetings

Scope of the project

We want to define (and limit) the scope of our implementation. The scope of the limitation defines the technical architecture.

The scope of the project can be defined through user stories. Those user stories can be turned into tickets. The tickets can then be turned into code.


We have been sketching our Data model in this File:

Next Steps