TheTekton337 / SymbolicReasoningEngine

A powerful* symbolic reasoning engine designed (by man and machine) for dynamic knowledge inference and decision-making based on logical rules and facts. *According to ChatGPT.
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A powerful symbolic reasoning engine designed for dynamic knowledge inference and decision-making based on logical rules and facts.


The SymbolicReasoningEngine is a flexible and extensible framework that enables symbolic reasoning processes. It allows for the representation and manipulation of knowledge through facts and rules, supporting the evaluation of complex logical expressions. This engine is capable of dynamic inference, making it suitable for a wide range of applications from artificial intelligence solutions to expert systems and educational tools.


Getting Started

To get started with the SymbolicReasoningEngine, clone this repository and include it in your project. Ensure you have Rust installed on your system to compile and run the engine.

git clone
cd SymbolicReasoningEngine
cargo build

Usage Examples

Here's a simple example of how to use the SymbolicReasoningEngine to define symbols, assert variables and facts, add rules, and perform inference with forward chaining:

let mut engine = SymbolicReasoningEngine::new();

// Define symbols
let weather_symbol = engine.define_symbol("Weather", "String");
let activity_symbol = engine.define_symbol("Activity", "String");

// Assert the variable temp = 30
let temp_variable = Variable { name: "temp".to_string(), value: FactValue::Integer(30), state: VariableState::Stable };

// Assert the fact: It is sunny
engine.assert_fact(weather_symbol.clone(), FactValue::Text("Sunny".to_string()));
engine.assert_fact(temp_symbol.clone(), FactValue::Text("${temp}".to_string()));

// Define the rule: If it is sunny, then it's a good day for outdoor activity
        LogicalOperator::AtomicFact(Fact {
            symbol: weather_symbol.clone(),
            value: FactValue::Text("Sunny".to_string()),
    Fact {
        symbol: activity_symbol.clone(),
        value: FactValue::Text("Outdoor".to_string()),

// Perform forward chaining to infer new facts based on the rules

// Check if the new fact (good day for outdoor activity) is added to the knowledge base
assert!(engine.facts.contains(&Fact {
    symbol: activity_symbol,
    value: FactValue::Text("Outdoor".to_string()),
}), "The engine did not infer that it's a good day for outdoor activity when it's sunny.");

Here is a simple example of how to use the SymbolicReasoningEngine to define symbols, assert facts, add rules, and perform inference via backward chaining:

let mut engine = SymbolicReasoningEngine::new();

// Define symbols
let weather = engine.define_symbol("Weather", "String");
let temperature = engine.define_symbol("Temperature", "Integer");

// Assert known facts into the engine's knowledge base
engine.assert_fact(temperature.clone(), FactValue::Integer(25));
engine.assert_fact(weather.clone(), FactValue::Text(String::from("Sunny")));

// Rule 1: If temperature > 20, then it's warm
let warm = engine.define_symbol("warm", "Boolean");
    // Fact::new(warm.clone(), FactValue::Boolean(true))
    Fact::new(warm.clone(), FactValue::Text("Warm".into()))

// Rule 2: If it's warm and sunny, then it's a good day for a picnic
let picnic_day = engine.define_symbol("picnic_advisable", "Boolean");
        LogicalOperator::AtomicFact(Fact::new(warm.clone(), FactValue::Text("Warm".into()))),
        LogicalOperator::AtomicFact(Fact::new(weather.clone(), FactValue::Text(String::from("Sunny"))))
    Fact::new(picnic_day.clone(), FactValue::Boolean(true))

// Specify the goal: To determine if it's a picnic day
let goal = Fact::new(picnic_day, FactValue::Boolean(true));
let is_picnic_day = engine.specify_goal(&goal);

// Assert that the engine successfully determines it's a beach day through backward chaining
assert!(is_picnic_day, "The engine should successfully determine it's a picnic day through backward chaining.");


For detailed documentation on using the SymbolicReasoningEngine, including all available methods and their usage, please refer to the doc directory in this repository.


We welcome contributions to the SymbolicReasoningEngine project! Please refer to our Contributing Guide for more information on how to get involved.


This project is licensed under the Unlicense - see the LICENSE file for details.