TheTimeSweeper / RoR2RedAlert

RA2Mod pulled from the the repo
0 stars 1 forks source link

Unity Project Thunderkit Setup

  1. have git installed
  2. open project, necessary packages are in manifest
  3. it'll warn you there are compile errors. ignore
  4. thunderkit settings window (if it doesn't show up, top toolbar Tools > Thunderkit > Settings) > Import Configuration as follows:
Configuration Set To Why
Check Unity Version On
Disable Assembly Updater On
Post Processing Unity Package Installer Off already done in manifest
Assembly Publicizer On
MMHook Generator Off we're not building the mod from the editor so we don't need extra bloat
Import assemblies On
Import Project Settings Off should already be imported but if it's not for you turn this on
Set Deferred Shading On
Create Game Package On
Import Addressable Catalog On addressable browser is dope
Configure Addressable Graphics Settings On
Ensure RoR2 Thunderstore Source Off
Install BepInEx Off already done
R2API Submodule Installer Off ah yes who wouldn't want 28 packages slowing down compiling, playing, and building?
Install RoR2 Compatible Unity Multiplayer HLAPI Off we're not weaving in editor so we don't need this
Install RoR2 Editor Kit Off already done
the rest On
  1. Settings > browse exe and import

    i. if it warns you about compile errors again, ignore ii. on my pc a file browsing window opened up during the process, select ror2 exe again

  2. All should be well! open Assets/Dev/SceneBarracks to see the men i. click canvas in the hierarchy, hit f, and see if the ror2 hud was spawned in with addressables, and our guys crosshairs are on it