TheUndo / m3u8

Download segmented video (.ts) from m3u8 playlist and merge the segments into one video (.mp4/.mv4/.*) file for saving
MIT License
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Download segmented video (.ts) from m3u8 playlist and merge the segments into one video (.mp4/.mv4/.*) file for saving.

Where to use

You may modify the code to work on server side JavaScript runtimes such as Node JS however it's primarily for client side usage. It's meant to extend video players to allow users to download m3u8 playlists. This repo was made out of frustration for the lack of downloading features in hls.js and video.js.

Browser support

This script works in most modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari etc..)

If you want support for Internet Explorer 10/11 see Polyfilled install


Normal install

Download m3u8.js and add this to your \<head> tag

<script type="text/javascript" src="></script>

Polyfilled install

To make this work on older browsers download m3u8.polyfill.js and add this to your \<head> tag

<script type="text/javascript" src="></script>

Getting started

Simple example

First create a new instance of M3U8 and start a new download

const m3u8 = new M3U8();

const download = m3u8.start("");

Please note: the m3u8 file must be a normal playlist containing one video NOT a master playlist.

With events

const m3u8 = new M3U8();

const download = m3u8.start("");

download.on("progress", progress => {

  console.log(progress); // See Classes >

}).on("finished", finished => {

  console.log(finished); // See Classes >

}).on("error", message => {

  console.error(message); // See Classes >

}).on("aborted", () => {

  console.log("Download aborted");


All events are optional, if not specified they will be omitted. If you're debugging/developing it's recommended to handle error events. In addition it's recommended to handle errors for best user experience.


Method name Description Syntax Parameters
M3U8 Initiates a new M3U8 instance. Returns {start} new M3U8() No parameters are expected
M3U8.on Assigns events to instance M3U8.on(\<eventName>, \<callback>) eventName: String of the event name. Required: yes. callback: Function to be called when event is fired. Required: yes.
M3U8.start Starts downloading the file M3U8.start(\<url> [, options]) url: URL to the location of the video playlist. Required: yes. options: See M3U8.start.options class. Required: no.
M3U8.start.abort Aborts the download and calls M3U8.abort() No parameters are expected



M3U8.start.options Key Default Description Syntax Required Read only
filename "video.mp4" The output filename filename: String No No
returnBlob false If set to true it will not trigger save file. Get data by returnBlob: Boolean No No


Events are assigned with the on method

Fired every time one video segment (.ts) is downlaoded Key Default Description Syntax Always set Read only
segment undefined The latest segment downloaded segmen: Number No Yes
total undefined The total amount of segments in the playlist total: Number No Yes
percentage undefined Percentage (segment / total) to 3 decimal points percentage: String No Yes
downloaded undefined The amount downloaded in bytes (B) (prefixed) downloaded: String No Yes
status "Downloading..." Downloading/processing/saving status status: String Yes Yes

M3U8-events-finished Fired when playlist is finished downloading and has merged Key Default Description Syntax Always set Read only
status "Successfully downloaded video" Video save status status: String Yes Yes
data Blob Video data as Blob data: Blob Yes Yes


Fired on error parameter Default Description Syntax Always set Read only
1st "An error occurred" Error message as String String error message Yes Yes


Fired when M3U8.start.abort is called parameter Default Description Syntax Always set Read only
1st "An error occurred" Error message as String String error message Yes Yes

How it works

The script fetches all the .ts files inside the m3u8 playlist. After that it recursively downloads the remote .ts segment files. It tries to download the .ts segment files TWO at the time in accordance with the HTTP protocol. After the recursion is complete it merges the raw data as "stream/octet" and attempts to save the file to the client's device.
