Theawesomeboophis / UndeadPeopleTileset

UndeadPeople Tileset for CDDA.
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Unpacked version of the tileset #3

Closed Firestorm01X2 closed 1 year ago

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

Hello. You may need unpacked version of SDG's tileset. It it here:

I've forked it before SDG deleted it.

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

@Theawesomeboophis @chaosvolt has experience with tiles as well. If you are going to work with tileset - then it will be good idea to contact him. He can, potentially, help. You can find him on BN discord server:

chaosvolt commented 3 years ago

I was asked to join this repo yeah. I'm not yet sure if I'll have time and energy to get back into tileset authorship, but if I do then working with someone instead of maintaining it by myself would be desirable, yeah.

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the link.

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

Hey @chaosvolt, I messed up tileconfig.json while trying to add a new sprite, would you mind taking a look at it when you get the chance? It is here: tile_config.txt Thank you in advance.

chaosvolt commented 3 years ago

Er, let me see...well, the file being a massive unlinted blob of text is going to make it a giant pain in the ass to find where the error actually is.

In fact yeah, this is going to be impossible to fix because the error message is most likely going to say it's on "line 1" which the entire file content is on.

chaosvolt commented 3 years ago

If it at least prints an error message on starting the game it MIGHT be possible to find where the error is, if so can you grab a screenshot?

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

It is throwing errors, hold on, let me ctrl c v real quick.

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

DEBUG : Error: Json error: :1:1462707: expecting string but found '{'

rlay_effect_visuals", "bg": 18652}, {"id": "tr_unfinished_construction", "fg": 18653, "rotates": false}, {"id": "vp_basketlg", "fg": 18654, "rotates": false}, {"id": "vp_basketlg_cart", "fg": [18655, 18656, 18657, 18658], "rotates": true}], { ^ "id": "mon_zombie_nemesis", "fg": 18659, "rotates": false}, {"id": "corpse_mon_zombie_nemesis", "fg": 18660, "rotates": false}], "//": "range 18113 to 18672", "sprite_width": 64, "sprite_height": 80, "sprite_offset_x": -16, "sprite_offset_y

FUNCTION : bool main_menu::new_character_tab() FILE : src/main_menu.cpp LINE : 944 VERSION : 952d25f This is causing a loading failure and a crash to main menu.

chaosvolt commented 3 years ago

Okay yep, that let me find what seems to be the error.

Ran it through the linter and no syntax problems reported: tile_config.txt

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

Is that the fixed version? If so, that was quick.

chaosvolt commented 3 years ago

Yeah, it was just an extraneous ] injected into the middle of it by accident. Easily checked with:

Side note, I hate how whatever editor is used for unpacked tilesets spits out the tile_config output as a giant ugly one-line blob of text.

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

Thank you, I've been trying to fix this for hours and couldn't figure it out.

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

There's another issue occurring, some sprites are appearing as blank white squares.

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

As far as I understand you need to work with Unpacked version of the tileset. Current repository is final result of packing tileset.

Look at the ultica: It has separate files. It is unpacked. And it iven has packing instruction:

You need to set up python and few libs. After that just and files and seprate config files and pack using bat sctipts inside

I am afraid your current approach will make collective work impossible.

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

screenshot 2021-09-06 002

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

How do I set up python?

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

Contact us on BN discord server: BN discord server: There we can start proper planning and work.

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

How do I set up python?

Ultica has doc: But I can explain it step by step if needed. Just join BN server.

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

It says the invite is invalid and it won't let me in

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

Permanent link to server: It should work

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

It is asking me to verify via phone number. I don't have a phone number.

chaosvolt commented 3 years ago

That sounds like discord's fucked something up, damn. :/

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

It is asking me to verify via phone number. I don't have a phone number.

It was not neccesary for me. I didnt set it. For now try to solve issues wwith discord

chaosvolt commented 3 years ago

I'm fairly certain it's mainly a thing affecting newer users.

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

Do not rush - we have all time in the world.

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

It says something out of the ordinary is going on.

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

I am AFK for now. Try fix your discord issues. Also you are already on BN server. So just deal with discord- and everything will be fine. screenshot 2021-09-06 003

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

I also joined the reddit yesterday, these things are very new to me, I don't use any social media aside from youtube.

Firestorm01X2 commented 3 years ago

I also joined the reddit yesterday, these things are very new to me, I don't use any social media aside from youtube.

Technically it is just different types of forums and chats rather than social media.

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

Yeah, they're border cases, not quite social media or forum either, I will stay away from actual social media however, there's never good news and most of it is drama/conspiracies. ( Plus the idea of talking to strangers scares me). ( It took me two weeks to decide to join github or not, glad I did though).

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

I have gotten it to work.

Theawesomeboophis commented 3 years ago

My name is the same on discord.

Theawesomeboophis commented 2 years ago

Oops, sorry, accidentally edited your comment, meant to make my own.

Theawesomeboophis commented 2 years ago

How do I set up and properly use unpacked?

Firestorm01X2 commented 2 years ago

How do I set up and properly use unpacked?

1) . Use latest version. Make sure to check "Add Python to PATH" in installer settings. 2) Install Libvips. Download it here: . Grab (or different version of it). Extract it to some directory (For example C:\vips) and add C:\vips\bin to Windows PATH. Instruction on how to add things to path look here: (I am using different directory for Libvips) screenshot 2021-09-13 001

3) Install pyvips. To do it just write in your console: pip install pyvips screenshot 2021-09-13 003

And you are done. Now will work.


After that run \UndeadPeopleUnpacked!COMPOSE_MAIN.bat to see if it is packing tileset. You will find packed files in UndeadPeopleUnpacked!dda\ if everything was setup right. It will take some time

screenshot 2021-09-13 004

screenshot 2021-09-13 005

And here is packed tileset.

Feel free to ask if you do not understand something.

Theawesomeboophis commented 2 years ago

Downloading and setting up now. ( PS: sorry for slow updates, still working on my spriting skills, but I will update in my spare time in-between real life and gaming ( I still play cataclysm and other games). Hope you understand.

Theawesomeboophis commented 2 years ago

Does the guide for the windows path thing work for 8.1 as well? Also. does everybody who wants to contribute have to set this up as well?

Firestorm01X2 commented 2 years ago

Does the guide for the windows path thing work for 8.1 as well?

Maybe UI will slightly diferent but PATH can be set even on windows 8.1.

Also. does everybody who wants to contribute have to set this up as well?

It is only neccesary to create packed version from unpacked. So it is not strictly neccesary, but contirbutor may want to do it. For example to test his changes ingame.

Firestorm01X2 commented 2 years ago

Does the guide for the windows path thing work for 8.1 as well? Make sure to set System PATH not user one.

Theawesomeboophis commented 2 years ago

How do I set up cmd prompt so it compiles tileset and do I have to add new sprites and files to unpacked?

Firestorm01X2 commented 2 years ago

How do I set up cmd prompt so it compiles tileset

Actually there is no special procedure. Just open command prompt: and nivagate to unpacked tileset directory using cd command. Console tutorial is here:

do I have to add new sprites and files to unpacked? Yes you should. Looks exisitng tiles as example. Actually the onlything you should edit is Unpacked version. Packed version - is "compiled result"

Theawesomeboophis commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I'll set it up next weekend and have the update ready then.

chaosvolt commented 1 year ago

Oh hecc, when I get time I'll want to submit some work I have set aside to it. Is it preferred to just PR the sprites to the unpacked version to let someone compile it afterward, or is submitting the sprites to unpacked while editing it into the packed version in a complimentary PR the better option?