Theawesomeboophis / UndeadPeopleTileset

UndeadPeople Tileset for CDDA.
347 stars 70 forks source link
cdda tileset

The currently maintained fork of UndeadPeople. Pull Requests and Issues are welcome and appreciated.

Nearly Dead

Some sprites provided with permission from Xotto in collaboration with Nearly Dead:

Tileset related links



This is the preferred option, just head to the right side and select the latest release. If you are using mods, make sure to download the correct zip file in the Assets list.

Repository Download

If there isn't a current enough release you can download the repository using this button. Note that this also contains legacy files, the data you need is found in the TILESETS directory within the downloaded zip file.


Select the gfx (and data if you are using mods) folder and copy/drag them into the game files, where there are the same folder names and accept any overwrites. For reference, your gfx folder should look roughly like this now:

There may also be MshockXotto+REAL and MSX++UnDeadPeopleEditionLegacy folders, these are mostly for mod compatibility and you can delete them if they are not needed.

If you are using the Catapult Launcher you may want to copy into the userdata/gfx folder instead. This way your UndeadPeople tileset doesn't get removed when updating to another experimental game release.

Links to other things

Main Game