DepthCrafter for Nuke allows you to generate temporally consistent Depth sequences inside Nuke. See more examples here
According to Nuke v15 Third-Party Libraries and Fonts
git clone
Or Download this repo as ZIP file and extract it in your .nuke
Your tree should look like that
Open your Command Prompt and type Python
and hit Enter.
If your python version is 3.10.10 go to next step. If it's not, Go to the System Environment Variables in your start menu > Environment Variables > "Path" Variable > hit "Edit".
If you see the paths to Python310 & Python310/Script, move them to the top. Go to the next step
If you don't see them,
Option 1: Install or reinstall Python 3.10.10 with "Add Python to environment variables" checked. You should now see in Environment Variables, Paths to Python310.
Option 2: Add paths manually. Check where Python is installed. Python is typically installed at "C:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310"
Copy your path and add the two Python paths, click on "New": first "path\to\Python310"
, second "path\to\Python310\Scripts"
. Move them both to the top.
Last check, open your Command Prompt then type Python
and hit enter. You should have the right Python version, 3.10.10
Option 1: Create a virtual environment (recommended)
Create a folder where you want and copy its path.
In the Command Prompt type: python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
then /path/to/new/virtual/environment/Scripts/activate.bat
the name of your VENV should appears on the left. Go to the next step
Option 2: Working directly in a Python Environment.
Go to the next step
Pytorch/Cuda and xformers
pip install torch==2.0.1+cu118 --index-url
pip install -r path/to/.nuke/DepthCrafterPlugin/requirements.txt
Referring to requirements.txt
In, add your path to where you installed the dependencies.
If you are working in a Virtual Environment, add nuke.pluginAddPath(r"path/to/your/venv/Lib/site-packages")
If you are working in a Python Environment, add nuke.pluginAddPath(r"path/to/Python310/Lib/site-packages")
❗If your .nuke folder path that is not C:\Users\%UserProfile%\.nuke, please change the unet_path by adding yours