TheoChem-VU / TCutility

Utility functions/classes for the TheoCheM programs
MIT License
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ams automation chemistry crest orca quantumchemistry


Documentation Testing Publishing to PyPI

TCutility version

Utility functions/classes for the TheoCheM programs


The easiest and recommended installation method is via pip:

python -m pip install tcutility

To update the package, please run:

python -m pip install --upgrade tcutility

Manual Installation

The following is for people who would like to install the repository themselves. For example, to edit and/or contribute code to the project. First clone this repository: ``` git clone ``` Then move into the new directory and install the package: ```python cd TCutility python -m pip install --upgrade build python -m build python -m pip install -e . ``` To get new updates, simply run: ``` git pull ```


Documentation of TCutility is hosted at (work in progress)


List of available utilities and their usage: