TheoGuyard / LIBSVMdata.jl

A simple tool to fetch LIBSVM datasets to Julia
MIT License
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A simple tool to fetch LIBSVM datasets to Julia.

Some datasets are not covered by CI tests due to their data size. Please report any bug in the issues page.


LIBSVMdata can be installed as follows :

pkg> add LIBSVMdata


The design matrix A and the response variable y corresponding to a given dataset (a1a in this example) can be loaded as :

using LIBSVMdata
A, y = load_dataset("a1a", 
    dense   = false,
    replace = false, 
    verbose = true,

All the datasets are stored in the folder specified by the environnement variable LIBSVMDATA_HOME if it exists. Otherwise, they are stored under $HOME/data/libsvm.

Arguments :

Available datasets

The available datasets can be listed using the print_datasets() function. This function also specifies the dataset type, the number of data points, the number of features and the number of different classes. If the dataset is a regression one, the number of classes is arbitrarily set to Inf.

using LIBSVMdata

Dataset name              | Type            | Data       | Features   | Classes   
a1a                       | binary          | 1605       | 123        | 2         
a1a.t                     | binary          | 30956      | 123        | 2         
a2a                       | binary          | 2265       | 123        | 2         
a2a.t                     | binary          | 30296      | 123        | 2         
a3a                       | binary          | 3185       | 123        | 2         
a3a.t                     | binary          | 29376      | 123        | 2         
a4a                       | binary          | 4781       | 123        | 2         
a4a.t                     | binary          | 27780      | 123        | 2         
a5a                       | binary          | 6414       | 123        | 2         
a5a.t                     | binary          | 26147      | 123        | 2         
a6a                       | binary          | 11220      | 123        | 2         
a6a.t                     | binary          | 21341      | 123        | 2         
a7a                       | binary          | 16100      | 123        | 2         
a7a.t                     | binary          | 16461      | 123        | 2         
a8a                       | binary          | 22696      | 123        | 2         
a8a.t                     | binary          | 9865       | 123        | 2         
a9a                       | binary          | 32561      | 123        | 2         
a9a.t                     | binary          | 16281      | 123        | 2         
australian                | binary          | 690        | 14         | 2         
australian_scale          | binary          | 690        | 14         | 2         
avazu-app                 | binary          | 14596137   | 1000000    | 2         
avazu-app.t               | binary          | 1719304    | 1000000    | 2              | binary          | 12642186   | 1000000    | 2         
avazu-app.val             | binary          | 1953951    | 1000000    | 2         
avazu-site                | binary          | 25831830   | 1000000    | 2         
avazu-site.t              | binary          | 2858160    | 1000000    | 2             | binary          | 23567843   | 1000000    | 2         
avazu-site.val            | binary          | 2264987    | 1000000    | 2         
breast-cancer             | binary          | 683        | 10         | 2         
breast-cancer_scale       | binary          | 683        | 10         | 2         
cod-rna                   | binary          | 59535      | 8          | 2         
cod-rna.t                 | binary          | 271617     | 8          | 2         
cod-rna.r                 | binary          | 157413     | 8          | 2         
colon-cancer              | binary          | 62         | 2000       | 2         
covtype.binary            | binary          | 581012     | 54         | 2         
covtype.binary.scale      | binary          | 581012     | 54         | 2         
diabetes                  | binary          | 768        | 8          | 2         
diabetes_scale            | binary          | 768        | 8          | 2         
duke                      | binary          | 44         | 7129       | 2                   | binary          | 38         | 7129       | 2         
duke.val                  | binary          | 4          | 7129       | 2         
epsilon                   | binary          | 400000     | 2000       | 2         
epsilon.t                 | binary          | 100000     | 2000       | 2         
fourclass                 | binary          | 862        | 2          | 2         
fourclass_scale           | binary          | 862        | 2          | 2         
german.number             | binary          | 1000       | 24         | 2         
german.number_scale       | binary          | 1000       | 24         | 2         
gisette_scale             | binary          | 6000       | 5000       | 2         
gisette_scale.t           | binary          | 1000       | 5000       | 2         
heart                     | binary          | 270        | 13         | 2         
heart_scale               | binary          | 270        | 13         | 2         
HIGGS                     | binary          | 11000000   | 28         | 2         
ijcnn                     | binary          | 49990      | 22         | 2         
ijcnn.t                   | binary          | 91701      | 22         | 2                  | binary          | 35000      | 22         | 2         
ijcnn.val                 | binary          | 14990      | 22         | 2         
ionosphere_scale          | binary          | 351        | 34         | 2         
kdda                      | binary          | 8407752    | 20216830   | 2         
kdda.t                    | binary          | 510302     | 20216830   | 2         
kddb                      | binary          | 19264097   | 29890095   | 2         
kddb.t                    | binary          | 748401     | 29890095   | 2         
kdd12                     | binary          | 149639105  | 54686452   | 2                  | binary          | 119705032  | 54686452   | 2         
kdd12.val                 | binary          | 29934073   | 54686452   | 2         
leukemia                  | binary          | 38         | 7129       | 2         
leukemia.t                | binary          | 34         | 7129       | 2         
liver-disorders           | binary          | 145        | 5          | 2         
liver-disorders_scale     | binary          | 145        | 5          | 2         
liver-disorders.t         | binary          | 200        | 5          | 2         
madelon                   | binary          | 2000       | 500        | 2         
madelon.t                 | binary          | 600        | 500        | 2         
mushrooms                 | binary          | 8124       | 112        | 2         
news20.binary             | binary          | 19996      | 1355191    | 2         
phishing                  | binary          | 11055      | 68         | 2         
rcv1_train.binary         | binary          | 20242      | 47236      | 2         
rcv1_test.binary          | binary          | 677399     | 47236      | 2         
ream-sim                  | binary          | 72309      | 20958      | 2         
skin_nonskin              | binary          | 245057     | 3          | 2         
splice                    | binary          | 1000       | 60         | 2         
splice_scale              | binary          | 1000       | 60         | 2         
splice.t                  | binary          | 2175       | 60         | 2         
splice-site               | binary          | 50000000   | 11725480   | 2         
splice-site.t             | binary          | 4627840    | 11725480   | 2         
sonar_scale               | binary          | 208        | 60         | 2         
SUSY                      | binary          | 5000000    | 18         | 2         
svmguide1                 | binary          | 3089       | 4          | 2         
svmguide1.t               | binary          | 4000       | 4          | 2         
svmguide3                 | binary          | 1243       | 22         | 2         
svmguide3.t               | binary          | 41         | 22         | 2         
url                       | binary          | 2396130    | 3231961    | 2         
url_normalized            | binary          | 2396130    | 3231961    | 2         
w1a                       | binary          | 2477       | 300        | 2         
w1a.t                     | binary          | 47272      | 300        | 2         
w2a                       | binary          | 3470       | 300        | 2         
w2a.t                     | binary          | 46279      | 300        | 2         
w3a                       | binary          | 4912       | 300        | 2         
w3a.t                     | binary          | 44837      | 300        | 2         
w4a                       | binary          | 7366       | 300        | 2         
w4a.t                     | binary          | 42383      | 300        | 2         
w5a                       | binary          | 9888       | 300        | 2         
w5a.t                     | binary          | 39861      | 300        | 2         
w6a                       | binary          | 17188      | 300        | 2         
w6a.t                     | binary          | 32561      | 300        | 2         
w7a                       | binary          | 24692      | 300        | 2         
w7a.t                     | binary          | 25057      | 300        | 2         
w8a                       | binary          | 49749      | 300        | 2         
w8a.t                     | binary          | 14951      | 300        | 2         
webspam-trigram           | binary          | 350000     | 16609143   | 2         
webspam-unigram           | binary          | 350000     | 16609143   | 2         
aloi                      | multiclass      | 108000     | 128        | 1000      
aloi.scale                | multiclass      | 108000     | 128        | 1000      
cifar10                   | multiclass      | 50000      | 3072       | 10        
cifar10.t                 | multiclass      | 50000      | 3072       | 10        
connect-4                 | multiclass      | 67557      | 126        | 3         
covtype                   | multiclass      | 581012     | 54         | 7         
covtype.scale01           | multiclass      | 581012     | 54         | 7         
covtype.scale             | multiclass      | 581012     | 54         | 7         
dna.scale                 | multiclass      | 2000       | 180        | 3         
dna.scale.t               | multiclass      | 1186       | 180        | 3              | multiclass      | 1400       | 180        | 3         
dna.scale.val             | multiclass      | 600        | 180        | 3         
glass.scale               | multiclass      | 214        | 9          | 6         
iris.scale                | multiclass      | 150        | 4          | 3         
letter.scale              | multiclass      | 15000      | 16         | 26        
letter.scale.t            | multiclass      | 5000       | 16         | 26           | multiclass      | 10500      | 16         | 26        
letter.scale.val          | multiclass      | 4500       | 16         | 26        
mnist                     | multiclass      | 60000      | 780        | 10        
mnist.t                   | multiclass      | 10000      | 778        | 10        
mnist.scale               | multiclass      | 60000      | 780        | 10        
mnist.scale.t             | multiclass      | 10000      | 778        | 10        
mnist8m                   | multiclass      | 8100000    | 784        | 10        
mnist8m.scale             | multiclass      | 8100000    | 784        | 10        
news20                    | multiclass      | 15935      | 62061      | 20        
news20.t                  | multiclass      | 3993       | 62060      | 20        
news20.scale              | multiclass      | 15935      | 62061      | 20        
news20.t.scale            | multiclass      | 3993       | 62060      | 20        
pendigits                 | multiclass      | 7494       | 16         | 10        
pendigits.t               | multiclass      | 3498       | 16         | 10        
poker                     | multiclass      | 25010      | 10         | 10        
poker.t                   | multiclass      | 1000000    | 10         | 10        
protein                   | multiclass      | 17766      | 357        | 3         
protein.t                 | multiclass      | 6621       | 357        | 3                | multiclass      | 14895      | 357        | 3         
protein.val               | multiclass      | 2871       | 357        | 3         
rcv1_tain.multiclass      | multiclass      | 15564      | 47236      | 53        
rcv1_test.multiclass      | multiclass      | 518571     | 47236      | 53        
satimage.scale            | multiclass      | 4435       | 36         | 6         
satimage.scale.t          | multiclass      | 2000       | 36         | 6         | multiclass      | 3104       | 36         | 6         
satimage.scale.val        | multiclass      | 1331       | 36         | 6         
sector                    | multiclass      | 6412       | 55197      | 105       
sector.t                  | multiclass      | 3207       | 55197      | 105       
sector.scale              | multiclass      | 6412       | 55197      | 105       
sector.scale.t            | multiclass      | 3207       | 55197      | 105       
segment.scale             | multiclass      | 2310       | 19         | 7         
Sensorless                | multiclass      | 58509      | 48         | 11        
Sensorless.scale          | multiclass      | 58509      | 48         | 11       | multiclass      | 10000      | 48         | 11        
shuttle.scale             | multiclass      | 43500      | 9          | 7         
shuttle.scale.t           | multiclass      | 14500      | 9          | 7          | multiclass      | 30450      | 9          | 7         
shuttle.scale.val         | multiclass      | 13050      | 9          | 7         
smallNORB                 | multiclass      | 24300      | 18432      | 5         
smallNORB.t               | multiclass      | 24300      | 18432      | 5         
smallNORB-32x32           | multiclass      | 24300      | 2048       | 5         
smallNORB-32x32.t         | multiclass      | 24300      | 2048       | 5         
SVHN                      | multiclass      | 73257      | 3072       | 10        
SVHN.t                    | multiclass      | 26032      | 3072       | 10        
SVHN.extra                | multiclass      | 531131     | 3072       | 10        
SVHN.scale                | multiclass      | 73257      | 3072       | 10        
SVHN.scale.t              | multiclass      | 26032      | 3072       | 10        
SVHN.scale.extra          | multiclass      | 531131     | 3072       | 10        
svmguide2                 | multiclass      | 391        | 20         | 3         
svmguide4                 | multiclass      | 300        | 10         | 6         
svmguide4.t               | multiclass      | 312        | 10         | 6         
usps                      | multiclass      | 7291       | 256        | 10        
usps.t                    | multiclass      | 2007       | 256        | 10        
acoustic                  | multiclass      | 78823      | 50         | 3         
acoustic.t                | multiclass      | 19705      | 50         | 3         
acoustic_scale            | multiclass      | 78823      | 50         | 3         
acoustic_scale.t          | multiclass      | 19705      | 50         | 3         
combined                  | multiclass      | 78823      | 100        | 3         
combined.t                | multiclass      | 19705      | 100        | 3         
combined_scale            | multiclass      | 78823      | 100        | 3         
combined_scale.t          | multiclass      | 19705      | 100        | 3         
vehicle.scale             | multiclass      | 846        | 18         | 4         
vowel                     | multiclass      | 528        | 10         | 11        
vowel.t                   | multiclass      | 426        | 10         | 11        
vowel.scale               | multiclass      | 528        | 10         | 11        
vowel.scale.t             | multiclass      | 426        | 10         | 11        
wine.scale                | multiclass      | 178        | 13         | 3         
abalone                   | regression      | 4177       | 8          | Inf       
abalone_scale             | regression      | 4177       | 8          | Inf       
bodyfat                   | regression      | 252        | 14         | Inf       
bodyfat_scale             | regression      | 252        | 14         | Inf       
cadata                    | regression      | 20640      | 8          | Inf       
cpusmall                  | regression      | 8192       | 12         | Inf       
cpusmall_scale            | regression      | 8192       | 12         | Inf       
E2006-log1p.train         | regression      | 16087      | 4272227    | Inf       
E2006-log1p.test          | regression      | 3308       | 4272227    | Inf       
E2006.train               | regression      | 16087      | 150360     | Inf       
E2006.test                | regression      | 3308       | 150360     | Inf       
eunite2001                | regression      | 336        | 16         | Inf       
eunite2001.t              | regression      | 31         | 16         | Inf       
housing                   | regression      | 506        | 13         | Inf       
housing_scale             | regression      | 506        | 13         | Inf       
mg                        | regression      | 1385       | 6          | Inf       
mg_scale                  | regression      | 1385       | 6          | Inf       
mgp                       | regression      | 392        | 7          | Inf       
mgp_scale                 | regression      | 392        | 7          | Inf       
pyrim                     | regression      | 74         | 27         | Inf       
space_ga                  | regression      | 3107       | 6          | Inf       
space_ga_scale            | regression      | 3107       | 6          | Inf       
triazines                 | regression      | 186        | 60         | Inf       
triazines_scale           | regression      | 186        | 60         | Inf       
YearPredictionMSD         | regression      | 463715     | 90         | Inf       
YearPredictionMSD.t       | regression      | 51630      | 90         | Inf       
bibtex                    | multilabel      | 7395       | 1836       | 159       
BlogCatalog_deepwalk      | multilabel      | 10312      | 128        | 39        
BlogCatalog_line          | multilabel      | 10312      | 128        | 39        
BlogCatalog_node2vec      | multilabel      | 10312      | 128        | 39        
delicious                 | multilabel      | 16105      | 500        | 983       
eurlex_tfidf_train        | multilabel      | 15449      | 186104     | 3956      
eurlex_tfidf_test         | multilabel      | 3865       | 186104     | 3956      
flickr_deepwalk           | multilabel      | 80513      | 128        | 195       
flickr_line               | multilabel      | 80513      | 128        | 195       
flickr_node2vec           | multilabel      | 80513      | 128        | 195       
exp1-train                | multilabel      | 30993      | 120        | 101       
exp1-test                 | multilabel      | 12914      | 120        | 101       
ppi_deepwalk              | multilabel      | 56944      | 128        | 121       
ppi_line                  | multilabel      | 56944      | 128        | 121       
ppi_node2vec              | multilabel      | 56944      | 128        | 121       
rcv1subset_topics_train_1 | multilabel      | 3000       | 47236      | 101       
rcv1subset_topics_train_2 | multilabel      | 3000       | 47236      | 101       
rcv1subset_topics_train_3 | multilabel      | 3000       | 47236      | 101       
rcv1subset_topics_train_4 | multilabel      | 3000       | 47236      | 101       
rcv1subset_topics_train_5 | multilabel      | 3000       | 47236      | 101       
rcv1subset_topics_test_1  | multilabel      | 3000       | 47236      | 101       
rcv1subset_topics_test_2  | multilabel      | 3000       | 47236      | 101       
rcv1subset_topics_test_3  | multilabel      | 3000       | 47236      | 101       
rcv1subset_topics_test_4  | multilabel      | 3000       | 47236      | 101       
rcv1subset_topics_test_5  | multilabel      | 3000       | 47236      | 101       
rcv1_topics_train         | multilabel      | 23149      | 47236      | 101       
rcv1_topics_test_0        | multilabel      | 199328     | 47236      | 101       
rcv1_topics_test_1        | multilabel      | 199339     | 47236      | 101       
rcv1_topics_test_2        | multilabel      | 199576     | 47236      | 101       
rcv1_topics_test_3        | multilabel      | 183022     | 47236      | 101       
rcv1_topics_combined_test | multilabel      | 781265     | 47236      | 101       
rcv1_industries_train     | multilabel      | 23149      | 47236      | 313       
rcv1_industries_test_0    | multilabel      | 23149      | 781265     | 313       
rcv1_industries_test_1    | multilabel      | 23149      | 781265     | 313       
rcv1_industries_test_2    | multilabel      | 23149      | 781265     | 313       
rcv1_industries_test_3    | multilabel      | 23149      | 781265     | 313       
rcv1_regions_train        | multilabel      | 23149      | 47236      | 228       
rcv1_regions_test_0       | multilabel      | 23149      | 781265     | 228       
rcv1_regions_test_1       | multilabel      | 23149      | 781265     | 228       
rcv1_regions_test_2       | multilabel      | 23149      | 781265     | 228       
rcv1_regions_test_3       | multilabel      | 23149      | 781265     | 228       
scene_train               | multilabel      | 1211       | 294        | 6         
scene_test                | multilabel      | 1196       | 294        | 6         
tmc2007_train             | multilabel      | 21519      | 30438      | 22        
tmc2007_test              | multilabel      | 7077       | 30438      | 22        
wiki10_31k_tfidf_train    | multilabel      | 14146      | 104374     | 30938     
wiki10_31k_tfidf_test     | multilabel      | 6616       | 104374     | 30938     
yeast_train               | multilabel      | 1500       | 103        | 14        
yeast_test                | multilabel      | 917        | 103        | 14        
youtube_deepwalk          | multilabel      | 1138499    | 128        | 46        
youtube_line              | multilabel      | 1138499    | 128        | 46        
youtube_node2vec          | multilabel      | 1138499    | 128        | 46        


The structure of this package is inspired from libsvmdata.