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University of Tsukuba, CCS Theoretical Astrophysics Group Webpage
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Theoretical Astrophysics Group Homepage

This is the Jekyll-powered webpage repo for the Theoretical Astrophysics Group (宇宙物理理論研究室) at the Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba.

The webpage is meant to give an overview of the members, research, and activities of the group.

The site is almost entirely bilingual (English and Japanese), and the language can be switched (top right menu, or collapsible menu for portable devices) whilst staying on the same page (that is, the corresponding page in the other language is loaded).

The design of the site is based on the OpenMind Bootstrap 4 template by AGM studio.


All members of the group are welcome to contribute via pull requests. The categories for posts are:

The posts themselves are under <category name>/_posts/[ja|en]. Tags should be chosen from the entries under tags: in _data/translations.yml. This will auto-translate them. Feel free to add new tags.

In the near future the site will be linked to netlify-cms so as to allow easier gui based contributing.


Research achievements are a collection of publications that are collated in an ADS library. The posts are semi-autogenerated with a python script that fetches images and creates yaml/html files.


Member information are stored as Jekyll collections. Information of members can be found under _members/[ja|en].

Contact form

The contact form sends an email to, to which the webadmin has access.


The calendar is a google calendar. All staff and several other people of the group (e.g. those responsible for organizing seminars and meetings) have permission to add/edit entries.


All work in progress is tracked on the Issues board. Please log any issues you encounter or enhancements you would like to see on the issues board.

Description (TODO: Needs to be well-writen in English.)


  1. ローカル側でassets/img/group.jpgを、別の写真に変える

  2. Build and deploy


  1. charon側で uchu_forum/uchu_forum_form/img uchu_forum/uchu_forum_form/yaml/[ja,en] から hogehoge.[jpg, png, etc]と 20xx-xx-xx-hoge.htmlを取り出す

scp -r __temp/yml scp -r __temp/img

  1. ローカル側でuchu_forum/_posts/[ja,en]に20xx-xx-xx-hoge.htmlを配置(enに配置するやつは英訳) ローカル側でassets/img/uchu_forumにhogehoge.[jpg, png, etc]をuchu-forum-20xx-xx-xx.jpgとして保存し、 その画像を200×200のサイズに切り取った画像をuchu-forum-20xx-xx-xx-thumb.jpgとして保存 このサイトで切り抜きできる(どうせ外部に公開するものだからセキュリティはあまり考えなくて良い)

  2. Build and deploy


  1. ローカル側でmembers/membresform/[ja,en]/index.htmlのform_activeをfalseからtrueに ローカル側でmembers/[ja,en]/index.htmlのform_activeをfalseからtrueに

  2. build and deploy

  3. 新入生と既存の学生全員にフォームを入力してもらう