TheoreticalEcology / ecodata

A collection of ecological datasets for teaching
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EcoData - a collection of ecological datasets for teaching

The EcoData package is a collection of ecological datasets for teaching. It also installs a number of R packages that we consider useful for teaching.

Installing EcoData

If you want to install the current (development) version from this repository, run the following code

#install.packages("devtools") # run this only if you don't have devtools installed
devtools::install_github(repo = "TheoreticalEcology/EcoData", 
                         dependencies = T, build_vignettes = T)

If this fails for some reason, install the package without dependencies and vignette

devtools::install_github(repo = "TheoreticalEcology/EcoData", 
                         dependencies = F, build_vignettes = F)

To get an overview about its functionality once the package is installed, run

vignette("EcoData", package="EcoData")

If you want to cite the package, use
