TheresAFewConors / Sooty

The SOC Analysts all-in-one CLI tool to automate and speed up workflow.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.3k stars 205 forks source link
analysis analysts automation cybersecurity dns hash phishing proofpoint-decoder python reputation-check security security-automation soc soc-analysts urlscan workflow

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Sooty is a tool developed with the task of aiding SOC analysts with automating part of their workflow. One of the goals of Sooty is to perform as many of the routine checks as possible, allowing the analyst more time to spend on deeper analysis within the same time-frame. Details for many of Sooty's features can be found below.

Sooty is now proudly supported by! The SOAR Platform for Enterprise Security Teams.


Sooty can Currently:

└── Main Menu
   ├── Sanitize URL's for use in emails
   |  └── URL Sanitizing Tool
   ├── Decoders
   |   ├── ProofPoint Decoder
   |   ├── URL Decoder
   |   ├── Office Safelinks Decoder
   |   ├── URL Unshortener
   |   ├── Base 64 Decoder
   |   ├── Cisco Password 7 Decoder
   |   └── Unfurl URL
   ├── Reputation Checker
   |   └── Reputation Checker for IP's, URL's or email addresses
   ├── DNS Tools
   |   ├── Reverse DNS Lookup
   |   ├── DNS Lookup
   |   └── WhoIs Lookup
   ├── Hashing Functions
   |   ├── Hash a File
   |   ├── Hash a Text Input
   |   ├── Check a hash for known malicious activity
   |   └── Hash a file and check for known malicious activity
   ├── Phishing Analysis
   |   ├── Analyze an Email
   |   ├── Analyze an email address for known malicious activity
   |   ├── Generate an email template based on analysis
   |   ├── Analyze a URL with Phishtank
   |   └── HaveIBeenPwned Lookup
   ├── URL Scan
   |   └── lookup
   ├── Extra's
   |   ├── About
   |   ├── Contributors
   |   ├── Version
   |   ├── Wiki
   |   └── Github Repo
   └── Exit

Requirements and Installation

Launch with Docker


Want to contribute? Great!

Code Contributions

Found a Bug? Show Me!

Bugs and Issues


Version 1.3 - The Templating Update

Version 1.2 - The Phishing Update

Version 1.1 - The Reputation Update

Version 1.0


This is an outline of what features will be coming in future versions.

Version 1.2 - The Phishing Update

Version 1.3 - The Templating Update

Version 1.4 - The PCAP Analysis Update

Version 1.x - The Case Update


Code Contributions:

Documentation Contributors: