Theronguard / Emergency-Dice

A lethal company mod. Adds new equipment and scrap.
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Emergency Dice

This mod adds new items (equipment and scrap)

Emergency Dice Updated

Hey! I don't have much time and drive to maintain this mod, and a fellow modder @slayer6409 seems to be doing a much better job than me!

Check out the forked version!

Emergency Die

This is an item you can buy from the store. It is a one time use only die, which teleports you to the ship with all your items. But, not always.

The Gambler

A new scrap item with rolling outcomes similar to the Emergency die, but with a larger pool of postivie effects and a bigger chance for a bad outcome.

You can either sell it, or use it.


Similar to The Gambler. Has a higher chance of getting a great effect, but the outcomes change when the time passes. As the night comes, the chances to roll a bad/awful effect increase.

It's probably better to use it earlier in the day, but this can make your whole day troublesome.

You can either sell it, or use it.

The Sacrificer

Guarantees a return to the ship, and a bad/awful effect.

The Saint

This one will never roll a bad or an awful effect. It's the rarest die in this mod, so don't expect to see it a lot.


Spawns scrap. Only scrap. Higher rolls mean more scrap. Has negative outcomes.







More to come!


Be sure to check out the plugin's config file. It is called Emergency Dice.cfg and it should be generated when you run the game with the mod for the first time.

You can modify which effects you want or not, or change some other settings.

The [Allowed Effects] tab in the config syncs with all the clients, meaning that only server needs to disable/enable effects.

Spawn rates are also serverside only, so no need to worry about having everyone syncing up their values with the host.

Emergency die shop alias

Some mods (like Lethal Things mod) might use conflicting item names in the shop. To solve this I added few aliases for the emergency die in the shop.

Try these aliases in the shop:

Chat commands

I included some chat commands in the mod, mainly for myself to ease debugging. If you want to use them you have to set

"Allow chat commands = true"

in the config.

To spawn dice use:

where num is an id of the die. ID's start from 1.

If you want to force an effect, use

Special thanks

Thanks to everyone who participates on github - for the suggestions, and bug reporting!

All players need this mod